Who is going to MDF '09

Are you going to MDF 2009?

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So I decided I am gonna have to make the Enslave/Opeth show in NY on 5/26. Never been to NY, but man I am gonna be getting crazy for this trek.

Anyone by chance willing to help me with a ride to New York on the way back up north from the MDF 09 fest?
I aint missing this shit. This is going to be one crazy fucking week.
i was actually planning on bringing some of that too depending on which of my friends come up with me. if my friend zack comes up with me instead of jon, we're definitely bringing some
i was actually planning on bringing some of that too depending on which of my friends come up with me. if my friend zack comes up with me instead of jon, we're definitely bringing some


My friend that was going to go, but can't, would probably bring a shit load also.
so does the under 21 room necessarily limit our use of alcohol?

I think the main idea is to avoid liability on the part of the people of drinking age. Whatever goes on in the under-21 room is probably between you and whoever else is staying there. Just make sure everyone's comfortable with whatever you plan to do.

Maybe i'll do the same and just drift around.

Maybe you and Jeremy (seedofvengeance) should coordinate your flights. He's already enlisted me to pick him up from the airport. Assuming you guys would both be landing in Dulles(?), it would be easiest if I could grab you all at once.