Who is going to MDF '09

Are you going to MDF 2009?

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I've heard they're FUN, so if Jeremy is sticking around for them MAYBE I and some others will. Guess we'll see how things pan out. We try to plan generally but peer pressure causes different stuff to happen (hey let's go somewhere else! etc. or HEY LET'S BUY STUFF which I almost always cave into).

Also guys who went last year and met him, Anthony (Saunders) is attending again so we'll likely hang out marginally with him (well, I will probably more). If you don't remember him, 30-year old dude, nerdy, always stoked about everything, glasses...you remember him now if you saw him with me at all. Oh yeah there's this pic:


Yep! That's funny. I wonder if he knows you're staying with me (well, sorta) :lol: I've been friends with him for like two-three years. We have a noise project together and he drove all the way up here to play a show with me like 2 years ago under our joint project name. We played an awesome set but no documentation exists...just sound he recorded to his iMac.
Yep! That's funny. I wonder if he knows you're staying with me (well, sorta) :lol: I've been friends with him for like two years. We have a noise project together and he drove all the way up here to play a show with me like 2 years ago under our joint project name. We played an awesome set but no documentation exists...just sound he recorded to his iMac.

That's awesome! Honestly, I haven't talked to him in years. In fact, the last time I ran into him was at MDF in '05. He used to practice in my neck of the woods many years back. We ate pizza together once and he likes to talk a lot. Good guy. Ask him if he remembers me the next time you two converse.

*edit* Belligerent is obviously jealous that you guys get to meet/hang out with me and he doesn't. :D
He talks a ton and is always super-excited about everything. And he gets all wide-eyed and fucking gaping-mouthed about every random thing he thinks of then talks about it to you forever...he's awesome; he's like a kid who never grew up hahaha. He was at the fest with I think Mike from Kalopsia/Dehumanized, which was funny. Nick and I hung out with he and Mike in his van and blasted some goregrind and Blasphemy :p was awesome. Wonder who he's with this year.
I've seen Cattle in concert, and yeah.. they're really good and a lot of fun. Travis Ryan is quite entertaining.
It's funny, the way he screams it looks like his eyes are about to pop out of his head the whole time, he's just fun to watch.
I've seen Cattle in concert, and yeah.. they're really good and a lot of fun. Travis Ryan is quite entertaining.
It's funny, the way he screams it looks like his eyes are about to pop out of his head the whole time, he's just fun to watch.

This is true, but I can only tolerate them for so long, thank god they have a short set.
First of all, I like Cattle Decapitation, and they're awesome live.
Second of all, I'll buy my own food, I'm just gonna eat super cheap. I'm not gonna go to these fancy restaurants you guys are talking about.
I appreciate the concern, but I'm not a big fan of people buying me things or giving me money.
Thanks, but no thanks.

You are at least going to be buying alcohol, right?

Also, even if you don't go to a restaurant with us, you still have to eat some pizza at our hotel room pizza party. There should be enough to go around.