Who is going to MDF '09

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So I was just watching the below vid of Sigh playing live recently. Oh my fucking lord, they rule live. Can't fucking wait! Especially because they are allowed (per Ryan of MDF's decree) to play however long they want:


sigh is one of the major reasons i'm coming! i could see mayhem and wolves on their respective tours. i'm way stoked for sigh.
Thunderdome Touring has confirmed that all members of legendary black metal band MAYHEM have successfully entered the U.S. this afternoon and are currently in New Jersey preparing for pre-production for their headlining tour as part of Blackenedfest.

"We had no problems whatsoever with immigration, and now we are very excited to de-consecrate the USA again after a decade of decay since our last tour here!" stated vocalist Attila Csihar. "Prepare to prove the falseness of all religions and inventing the order of pure fucking chaos! There is NO god but Mayhem!!"

MAYHEM's current live formation is as follows:

Attila Csihar: Vocals
Necrobutcher (a.k.a. Jørn Stubberud): Bass
Hellhammer (a.k.a. Jan Axel Blomberg): Drums
Morfeus (a.k.a. Krister Dreyer): Guitar
Silmaeth: Guitar