Who is the worst VOCALIST???

Funny. I was going to say those vocalists that sound like they've got a clothes pin over their nose (nasal sounding) but I would have to say that Maynard sounds nasal and I like him so...

I think it’s hard to choose out of thin air. I've always been partial to multiple choices in these situations. :) I'm just going to say, what's the point of being the vocals when you can't even understand the words even with the lyrics right in front of you.
Originally posted by Opet
Funny. I was going to say those vocalists that sound like they've got a clothes pin over their nose (nasal sounding) but I would have to say that Maynard sounds nasal and I like him so...

Are you trying to say something about James Labrie!? :( :lol:

Worst vocalist in my opinion, the singer from Sacred Steel, bar none.
Originally posted by AngelWitch73
The guy from CONFESSOR..... the music is great but I can´t get into the vocals.

There's a benefit for Ivan Colon (of Confessor) this weekend in my town (Raleigh, NC)...featuring:
Original Confessor / C.O.C. (Blind) / Leadfoot / Man Will Destroy Himself / Bone Shelter

Debating on whether to go or not...
Sometimes I *hate* Dani Filth (before he became ubergoth he was Dani Davey :lol:) - other times I can tolerate him (especially Principle/Vempire/Dusk era)

Dream Theater's vocalist is the only thing keeping me from getting into them more (well, that and the guitar masturbation) - I don't even know his name. They played here, and I didn't bother to go.. should I have?
Is there any band with the word steel in their name that is even remotely listenable?