Who of the COB guys would you like to meet?

I hate having my hair touched. When I went to the Dec.11 Montreal show Alexi wanted to touch it because it is so long. After mentally debating about it I reluctantly let him touch. He's all like "Christ your hair is so soft!" I got to touch his hair back of course, it's nothing special. He needs tonnes of conditioner. So @ Lady_Laiho, his hair is nothing special and is nothing to freak out over.
Awww, shit I was hoping she caught my coment BEFORE she got banned again. Just my luck. :lol:
haha,it sounded like it really happened also
<-Warheart-> said:
she was about to post a picture of herself,I wanted to see what she looked like
^I've been away only one day (due to some problems with adsl and that internet stuff) and... when I came back here I found it's changed so much, ahahaha!
Well, let's see... ;)
^I like this climate full of peace here too... but she was funny sometimes, don't you think? :)
Well, ok: it's none of my business....