Who of the COB guys would you like to meet?

Lady_Laiho said:
DJ Motard: LOL. When did ALexander fall off of stage? What show? And has anyone ever met ALexander? He seems like a cool person. I wish they still had his profile at this site...maybe put it in the "old members" list.

Authentic Metalhead: It's all love and partly lust. I'v never felt so in love in my life. If it were only lust, i would have stopped loving him a long time ago and got sick of him. I'll love Alexi for ever. If i had to, i'd give my life up for him.

if this is really love for you, than thats truly sad......omg :erk:

come with me to the concert in munich, germany...there's probably a chance to meet him, because i know him.....
Alexi. yummm.. In Fact Im planning on flying down to New York Just to See Them Play with Amon Amarth Yumm.. how am I getting the money to do that, stripping and lap dances, would I rather do that for him... oh.... Yes!!!
CathrynSlyboots said:
Alexi. yummm.. In Fact Im planning on flying down to New York Just to See Them Play with Amon Amarth Yumm.. how am I getting the money to do that, stripping and lap dances, would I rather do that for him... oh.... Yes!!!

Another Lady Laiho? :erk:

I think you both need to sit down and re-think your lives.
I listen to Amon Amarth and Children of Bodom plus my sister lives in Newyork. I live in Alaska so going to NY to see a Metal Show isn't bad for me because there is NO METAL here
I'm going to Ohio the weekend of October 27th to Meet Deicide what do you have to say about that little bitch HAHA
one of my friend's band's is opening up for Deicide on october 27th... I'm sorry I snapped at you .. that wasn't very nice.
I'd love to meet all the guys of the band, I really appreciate their music and it would be nice to meet all of them!
The band is made of 5 persons... and they're 5 persons that, even if I don't know them personally, I admire, at least for the moment... so, I'd like to meet all CoB guys, that's for sure!
I have a friend named Craig in a band called Forever Lost, yes so maybe it's just over mypace, and I've never met them yet but still he and their band personally invited me to go to Ohio for the weekend of October 27th for the Deicide show so I'm Exited and I'm taking my friend Georgia. BASTARDS OF CHRIST DIE!!!! goodnight
CathrynSlyboots said:
youre weird.

Edit anything you want to say at one time into one post space instead of using up 3 or 4 at a time. There's an edit button in the bottom corner of your post next to quote.
CathrynSlyboots said:

CathrynSlyboots said:
Youre weird.

CathrynSlyboots said:
I have a friend named Craig in a band called Forever Lost, yes so maybe it's just over mypace, and I've never met them yet but still he and their band personally invited me to go to Ohio for the weekend of October 27th for the Deicide show so I'm Exited and I'm taking my friend Georgia. BASTARDS OF CHRIST DIE!!!! goodnight

Yeah 'cause all this would have made easily one post.
Hm, well this might just be me, being a very realistic and logical person, but I wouldn't want to meet any of them, to be honest, unless it was for a decent amount of time. It'd be great to spend an a few hours or an evening with the band, or any member of it, just fucking around and having a good time.

Maybe watch a wicked movie they have never seen, have a few drinks, listen to a wicked new album or go partying, anything really. Just my point is, as much as I love and respect the band's music, and their talents, I would not wait 2hours+ outside their tourbus just to exchange a few words, get some photos, an autograph and bother them when they're tired and just played a kickass show.

That's just not me. Anyone agree?
Fetzer said:

But don't try to say something like that to Lady_Laiho.

Yer right, she might try to kill us, or herself... and dude, tu est canadien aussi! tres bien! (my french is shit, case you can't tell)

I'm so there in Montreal for the show in december, it's gonna kick so much fucking ass! I saw them with TtEotD and Chimaira back in March, it was awesome, but as far as support bands go, they weren't that great... But I LOVE Amon Amarth, so this show is gonna rule fucking ass! I'm so excited.

Luckily Chaos Ridden Years comes out soon to tie me over until then!
Heartless_Name said:
Yer right, she might try to kill us, or herself... and dude, tu est canadien aussi! tres bien! (my french is shit, case you can't tell)

I'm so there in Montreal for the show in december, it's gonna kick so much fucking ass! I saw them with TtEotD and Chimaira back in March, it was awesome, but as far as support bands go, they weren't that great... But I LOVE Amon Amarth, so this show is gonna rule fucking ass! I'm so excited.

Luckily Chaos Ridden Years comes out soon to tie me over until then!
Dudedudedudedudedudedude there's a Canadian thread in Off-Topic ;)