Who of the COB guys would you like to meet?

Lady_Laiho said:
No i'm not. They probably just think Alexi is sexy but i'm his future gf.

no, now I'll tell you what you are, you're a fucking whore... I bet you'd let Alexi do anything to you... you wouldn't fucking care if he killed you (wow, then we'd be happy) :lol:

he wouldn't even go to jail for that because everyone would be happy that he finally got rid of you :lol:

sorry if that was mean, it was just meant to let me... express my feelings lol
Originally posted by enjoi17
i dunno, his ego is pretty big..

:lol: yeah.

Alexi *looking at himself in mirror singing*: I'm so good, la, la, la, everyone sucks but me!
Janne: Uh, you need to be on in five.
Alexi: Shut the hell up! I'm looking at myself! I'm more important than anything!
