Who says the eleven rack can't do metal??


New Metal Member
Oct 20, 2011
First off this recording is not of me, this is the DI tracks from this forum, reamped by me. Little clip of the 11 Rack doing some metal. Killswitch Engage's Rose of Sharyn. Quad tracked guitars, two outer tracks are panned 100% and use a dual rectifier modern, ts808 boost, 4x12 w/v30s and sm57 mic. Two inner panned to 70%, dual rectifier vintage, ts808 boost, 4x12 w/v30s and R121 mic. Settings are slightly different between inner and outer tracks. Clean tracks are I believe a JC120 (modern clean in 11R), with delay, reverb, EQ, and compression. Don't remember cab, mic or specifics.

I didn't try to match their guitar sounds, just a basic heavy metal tone.


Tell me what you think
I said that! Nah that actually pretty good but I haven't heard much from the eleven rack especially involving metal so as this is my first exposure to 11rack metal, I'm actually quite impressed. Notbadatall
The comments about the 11R not being good for metal came more from other forums but I just copy/pasted the thread here. I'm really curious about buying an axe fx but I haven't heard any clips that sound as nice as this. They all have some weird honky mid thing or sound thin as hell. These tracks were boost pedal, amp, cab, mic. That's it, no EQing at all, tone straight from the amp sims.