Dushan S
I think that fact that western, white, mostly Christian culture people got at one point in history control over planet, and now have technological edge over other races, made us belive that whole world is turning around us and our way of thinking.
In some eastern religions, god and faith are not opposition to scientific thinking because their religious concepts are totally different. Actually most of western philosophers are childish compared to what Chinese Indians or Japanese was growing thousands years ago, if you got to know their concepts and teachings. It is just that we are so anglo/eurocentric and so used to think in certain way.
This "Father-patriachal-loveandpunishyou-god" is Judeo-Christian concept, there is no problem in being religious man and at the same time quite realistic and scientific. On east, it is not unusual that scientists are religious people, but on the west it would be strange, right?
Also, Christian religion as we know it today (it was not always like that) is not based on practice but on believing, and church is not allowing you to have your own personal experience of divinity, it is actually heretic because, priests are only one that can act like a link between human and a god. In most of other religions you have religions for the masses but it is easy and open to everyone to use it like a method, a way to reach your own way to communicate to "god" (and you can call it any way you want, nature, higher energy, universe, whatever), so it becomes personal exploration. And it is openly explained that god is represented thru your own self, and that is actually a state, not a real person, so it is technically possible to become Christ/alike. On the other hand, it would be very heretic in the west because we had so small number of enlightened, gods people in history, and church was using Christ's teachings like method to gain power and control historically, we have even destroyed whole races and nations in name of god and Jesus Christ.
So I really want to say that we should have broader view at religious/not religious dilemma than just to think about it in terms of Christian religious concepts. Religion can be something very individual, very personal and authentic, based on our own experiences, and feelings, we do not have to be "by the book" religious and on the other hand it is not football league, we do not have to choose to be sports of just one team, and refuse the other one.
In fact my religious feelings and experiences are only mine and unique. It would be strange if someone else comes with exactly same feelings and thoughts, we are just different, and it is a good thing.
And sorry for eventual mistakes, this is not my native language, so...
In some eastern religions, god and faith are not opposition to scientific thinking because their religious concepts are totally different. Actually most of western philosophers are childish compared to what Chinese Indians or Japanese was growing thousands years ago, if you got to know their concepts and teachings. It is just that we are so anglo/eurocentric and so used to think in certain way.
This "Father-patriachal-loveandpunishyou-god" is Judeo-Christian concept, there is no problem in being religious man and at the same time quite realistic and scientific. On east, it is not unusual that scientists are religious people, but on the west it would be strange, right?
Also, Christian religion as we know it today (it was not always like that) is not based on practice but on believing, and church is not allowing you to have your own personal experience of divinity, it is actually heretic because, priests are only one that can act like a link between human and a god. In most of other religions you have religions for the masses but it is easy and open to everyone to use it like a method, a way to reach your own way to communicate to "god" (and you can call it any way you want, nature, higher energy, universe, whatever), so it becomes personal exploration. And it is openly explained that god is represented thru your own self, and that is actually a state, not a real person, so it is technically possible to become Christ/alike. On the other hand, it would be very heretic in the west because we had so small number of enlightened, gods people in history, and church was using Christ's teachings like method to gain power and control historically, we have even destroyed whole races and nations in name of god and Jesus Christ.
So I really want to say that we should have broader view at religious/not religious dilemma than just to think about it in terms of Christian religious concepts. Religion can be something very individual, very personal and authentic, based on our own experiences, and feelings, we do not have to be "by the book" religious and on the other hand it is not football league, we do not have to choose to be sports of just one team, and refuse the other one.
In fact my religious feelings and experiences are only mine and unique. It would be strange if someone else comes with exactly same feelings and thoughts, we are just different, and it is a good thing.
And sorry for eventual mistakes, this is not my native language, so...