Who seriously can believe in bible?

cfh said:
I personally don't believe in god, or in satan. At this time when science has proven at least half of the bible wrong,

You can't "prove the bible wrong." It's allegory. Just like you cannot disprove "Moby Dick" :)
Silent Song said:
ah, but the original charges and teachings are unchanged, one must simply look deeper to find them. the religion itself remains the same, only the "followers" are changed. i would like to think i seek the unchanged essence of what Jesus began with.
Well how can you be sure about it? Technically, new testament has been rewritten numerous times, gospels have been changed or destroyed if they were not favorable for interests and causes of Christian church. So we cannot be sure what Christ was really saying. I am too interested in a essence of Christ’s teaching, but it is hard to get clear picture. As a matter of fact, if I was not spending time researching religions and spirituality globally, I would not be able to separate Christianity as organized religion from the spiritual side of Christianity because it is really hard, if you don't have some kind of guidance. In the beginning I was really against Christianity and it took long time for me to understand eastern teachings first so I can go back and find out hidden spiritual side of Christianity. Technically, you can't go to library or book store just like that and buy 10 books that are explaining spiritual Christianity in an easy and open way as you can buy 10 books about Zen. And it is really sad, I think, church itself is loosing much of its validity that way and is less attractive for some people that are looking for practical ways and answers... Or I may be wrong, and church is simply not interested too much in spiritual people.
Iridium said:
Therefore, there is no reason to assume that all "why" questions have answers.
without knowing why, things have no meaning. if you are content without meaning, then questions unanswered should suffice. i seek the answers to find the meaning. not every question has an answer that makes sense, or even one answer. but every question does have an answer.
Ah, I see that you are content to making up answers that begin with "G" to questions that were never meant to have absolute answers. "Why do we exist?" I can write you an essay supporting any number of points of view that explain that question. However, that does not change the fact that these would all be opinions - there is no meaning to our lives except that which we make for ourselves. Science was never meant to answer the "why" question, but it's damn good at answering the "how."
I'm quite interested in the why, but I try to do it through intellectually honest means. However, unlike you, I have come to the realization that there might not be a "why," since the universe is chaotic and apathetic. There is reason only in the realm of man - nature has no need for it.
BlackMetalTyrant said:
I respect the religion to a degree and don't speak against others who are christians, but I think christianity's time is done. It was created to control people.

I agree
I don't believe in God or Jesus or anything similar. I've never felt a need to believe in some higher power nor have i ever felt like i'm missing something by not believing.
If people want to believe in a god or gods or whatever else they cant come up with then ok, not a problem.
What i have a serious problem with is when you try to use religion to base other things on, such as political systems, laws, moral codes.
Why does a population need a moral code based on what a god said? We all know that killing a person is wrong, that stealing from small children is wrong, that torturing a pet is wrong. Why do we need some higher pwoer to teach us this. Our laws and politics should be kept firmly away from religious belief and vice versa.
Just look at the world today to see how mixing religion with power can turn ugly.
Lord SteveO said:
Why does a population need a moral code based on what a god said? We all know that killing a person is wrong, that stealing from small children is wrong, that torturing a pet is wrong. Why do we need some higher power to teach us this. Our laws and politics should be kept firmly away from religious belief and vice versa.
Just look at the world today to see how mixing religion with power can turn ugly.

Well, the thing is though, that many cultures do not see it as wrong or against their moral ethics; in fact to many it may actually be seen as a good thing.
Also many would base the need for a religion in itself off of the basic state of human nature which is still a completely arguable thing in itself; people tend to forget that the definition for religion is not consistent (a common trait in philosophy), and that the word religion itself has many meanings now - even a look at dictionary.com gives us the following:
Dictionary.com said:
1. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.
these meanings are each also in opinion (on a grand scale mind you, but they were once an idea/opinion that were then given a factual title by whoever agreed upon it) - but still nevertheless it is to each his own.

It is safe to say though that usually any institution though when given enough power (and especially in the position the church had been in) would have become corrupted
As SS put, science can only explain the how of nature. IMO, the how is irrelivent. I want to know why, then we can build the how off of that. The bible is just one of the many sources of a reason. It's our nature to question our existence.There are things cience cannot and will never explain. It's only natural to turn to something else. I see christianity as mostly death insurance. A "Don't know if there is an afterlife, but just incase" kind of thing.

And to the maker of this thread. When you say "fucking god" you are disrespecting all religions. Please, be more attentive in your writings.
How can you build the how off the why? If the "why" is a more spiritual explanation then surely it will be subjective and vary with different people's opinions.
Science doesn't work by baseing its explanations on the why reason, it looks at the physical evidence.
I believe we should give people the reason say for how it the sky is blue, and then it's up to them to decide why they think it's blue.
I meant for people who must know everything there is to know about the universe. I, myself, don't care. The universe is here and I exist in it. I'll never know why and I'm ok with that. I just am. Things just are. Nothing more, nothing less. The universe just is. The sky is blue because it's blue. (You get the picture.) The only thing I care about is my behavior and my ethics. (i.e. things that matter.)
i was arguing similarly- that the workings of the universe may be revealed, but upon our death what good will that knowledge do? the how is a blueprint we may trace, but why is the legend explaining how to read it.
The "why" is an artificial construct of an intelligent observer. There is a cause behind every natural occurance, but there is no motive or reason for it. Once again, why is the sky blue? Why is water composed of three atoms? Why does the human species exist? Why does some random species of badger exist? All of these questions assume that there is a "because" answer, which is intellectual dishonesty.
Good point.
It's the exact same with the human idea of time. It was made up by us to give some meaning to how we organise things in our daily lives. Without it things will still happen and continue as normal.
Likewise by assuming there is a why behind every bit of nature you are assuming there is some grand plan, or "god" controlling it all. This can't be said to be the case, at least not as far as we are aware as the idea of a god is one made up by people to give their lives some added reason.
Ok im skipping most of this stuff too much reading but im putting my opnion down..

First off i want 2 say all relgions are based on faith so not all of bible can be proven however alot of it scientifcally has been proven.another intresting thing is all over the world there has been a story spread about a great flood liek that of the one spoken biblically. So just think about that um also the way the bible was translated could also be a reason its so hard to understand and alot of it sounds like bs. but it could be mis interpreted alot of the langs the bible was orginally written in is extremly hard to translate into english there is some things in diffrent langs that can not be translated because the language is so complex. SO this is what i ahve 2 say about it being so unbleavable..

One other thing i want to pose a question-now this is the terms of beleaving in god and religions not christanity. what is more believable that we where made by dust that came from no where and evolved from apes over billions of years or a intelligent being created us that we do not understand and the closes thing to understand it is religion how ever sum people considered leaders become obssesed with power and ambition and start controlling masses and stuff but i think most of those usally get found out and punished some how. well this is all i have 2 say on this do not critisize what i say only give opnions please....
Harmsway_SchädigtWeise said:
Ok im skipping most of this stuff too much reading but im putting my opnion down..

First off i want 2 say all relgions are based on faith
such is the definition of the word, so yes of course

Harmsway_SchädigtWeise said:
so not all of bible can be proven however alot of it scientifcally has been proven...
how can you claim that faith obscures proof of some elements and not others? clearly there is evidence for proof which requires faith, but if science can prove events and history in the bible, would you not consider those aspects not a matter of faith?

Harmsway_SchädigtWeise said:
So just think about that um also the way the bible was translated could also be a reason its so hard to understand and alot of it sounds like bs. but it could be mis interpreted alot of the langs the bible was orginally written in is extremly hard to translate into english there is some things in diffrent langs that can not be translated because the language is so complex. SO this is what i ahve 2 say about it being so unbleavable..
so translations have obscured meaning through possible mistranslation, or misinterpretation? but then why would anyone find proof or evidence of proof warranting faith in such a clouded text? historians and linguists study these ancient languages with enough knowledge to decypher their passages skillfully, or so many believe.

i think the evidence and messsage are there, unmuddled, but many fail to see it. many more reject what they see, and still more understand and distort it to serve their own purposes. i won't claim that i am all-knowledgable of this message, but i have found evidence leading me to believe in its truth.
I agree with u when most dont see the message but i dont see wat u mean by the aspects being part of faith. What i was saying is some things in the bible and relgions are truly bases on faith the same with some scientific theries.Now there has been manny things in the bible scientfically proven but i dont understand what u mean by that reexplaine plz. o the last thing is i wasnt saying that the the stuff was so hard 2 read they whould guess or anything only that sum things like in the hebrew language can not be translated as it is in english.In other wordes english is not as complex as others and one word whould take a sentence or 2 just to vaguly describe it do u know understand what i ment? i know we have 1000s of people studying it ,but a few messages are hard to understand becuase its so ahrd to translate it clearly into english