Who seriously can believe in bible?

and thus mystical (or miraculous, as i would say) it remains.

i do see what you mean about translations across languages being difficult because we might have expressions and words for things they do not, but translation such that the message remains the same is possible. afterall, all languages are but words and names we have given to that which before, unnamed, still retained the same meaning. we may have to find different words to translate the meaning, but the meaning can be retained.
But some languages don't have words for things that we do. This is often a translation problem today when you come accross a word but there is no alternative word in say english etc.
I know this is a new topic but i personally beleave there is no such thing is athism.Most people that say they dont beleave in god or any gods or any form of religon cuz they the "unconformist" or wtvr ,but wat most people dont realize is the things they do in there lifes daily such as tv, music , wtvr they obsivly do is a form of "worship". Now this isnt some thing i made up just stuff ive heard and it makes sense i think everyone has somthing they have as a god tv for instance somepeople spend 24/7 in front of it. If they need to pay 500 dollars for some stupid upgrade they will do it. If the tv said Insert 50 bucks they whould. Now i dont consider my self a expert on this theory or wtvr u wanna call it just somthing u should consider. Im also saying this to outrule the one thing people keep saying needing a god to make them selves feal whole or find a meaning in life. You can go even farther and say those who worshpi satan or other pagans gods for Self power i guess.

This little of topic but i think its intresting i dont like devote 100% of this as my firm beleave just somthing im putting out there your thoughts no arugments please..
Harmsway_SchädigtWeise said:
I know this is a new topic but i personally beleave there is no such thing is athism.Most people that say they dont beleave in god or any gods or any form of religon cuz they the "unconformist" or wtvr

Not true. Perhaps most adolescents who proclaim to be atheists are saying so to be nonconforming, but I can assure that many adults simply do not find reason to believe in immortal super-beings. No belief in god(s) = atheism.
Quite simple, actually.
Can someone take the retard out? There's a mighty attractive oven in the backyard with his name on it.
Harmsway_SchädigtWeise said:
what is more believable that we where made by dust that came from no where and evolved from apes over billions of years or a intelligent being created us that we do not understand and the closes thing to understand it is religion

Um... the first one? Now I'll add my two cents.

First, if your problem is with us "coming from dust" then you should not be a Christian. Science does NOT argue that we "came from dust" whereas Christianity DOES.

Second... please, write coherently. Spelling is important, and proper use of grammar can make your posts less of a challenge to understand. Also, punctuation is your friend.
I think by dust he meant that the milkyway etc were all dust in space before they formed.
Sadly this is proven to be how planets, galaxies, stars, comets and a heap of other things in space form. So to claim it is false is plain foolish.
If you want to say planets came from dust, that's fine, but no scientist would say life came from dust. The current prevailing model for the origins of organic molecules has formation beginning in water, not dust. Can't say dust didn't have a hand in it though, I guess, haha. But science has never argued that life came directly from dust, whereas anyone who has read the book of Genesis knows that the Judeo-Christian concept of creation DOES have life coming from dust.
That's just what i was saying really. I know life originated in water/a liquid of some kind. But everything on this planet started as dust in space.
So like you said we're not directly made from dust, but it played a role in the past.
Okay im back lol muhaha i was gone 4 while but i got alot of stuff to say FIRST OFFF.

who ever said "Not true. Perhaps most adolescents who proclaim to be atheists are saying so to be nonconforming, but I can assure that many adults simply do not find reason to believe in immortal super-beings. No belief in god(s) = atheism.
Quite simple, actually."

my point was people may not have a belief in immortal super beings , but the things they do daily some what obbsesivly such as:Watching tv as if it where all life was day n and day out that is what they worship that was my point they dont realize what there form of a "God" is its hard to explain,but try to see what im trying to say.I dont see people being so inhuman that they plain dont beleave in anything at all. Im not saying you have to beleave in a god ,but that them ,selves, a person, things, items whould be the thing they whorship day n and day out.Therefore being there god.

Although i guess you could call your lifestyle "atheist" that you dont beleave in any super god or anything ,but i still think they have to beleave in somthing.

ok on to next topic

What i was saying from the dust was the big ban theroy .Do you agree there is a beginning and end to everything?So you beleave that somthing came from nothing over a Intelligent being creating things?I dont see the big bang being possible at all ,because where did all this stuff come b4 to create the universe? life comes from life not nothing therefore proving there has to be a more intelligent being we do not understand-therefore proving the things that can be translated correctly in the bible being correct.
I never said life comes from nothing. What i was making a point of is that planets (on which life forms) are made of dust essentially.
Where all the dust cames from, a big bang or otherwise is not my area of expertise so i won't get stuck on it.
I do know that life began as basic organic molecules, and then evolved through stages to what is around today. It is still evolving today and will until it is all destroyed.

It has been proven you can make organic molecules in a lab in a similar way to that which occured on earth millions of years ago. It may well be possible to create a basic life-form from this but not at the moment at least. There's not a bit of evidence to suggest that an intelligent being is part of the natural process that occured millions of years ago.