Of course I understand you nimwit. Had you said all of that before I wouldn't have questioned it. Of course I will have to look up corroboration lol.
My understanding of your notion does not mean that I agree however. Determining fundamental mathematical principles has been scientifically done on MANY scales as well as many times. Are the mathematical principles that we are reviewing limited to those of correlation and "corroboration"? What about methods of differentiation, slope fields, and others of basic calculus? (They are not related to correlation or corroboration.) When you bring up mathematics I will definitely challenge, but at the same time I will not dismiss the discussion concept, which I have been doing. Conclusively, I ask that if you are going to bring up metaphors with math, either be sure of what it is that you are talkin' about or just don't try to sound like a mathematical professor! ( I don't want to be rude, but I think you understand what I mean.)
Back on topic, ultimately I agree that religious principles are not to be proven because they are not considered to be black and white. It would be hard to prove any principle if it were not scientific because it would then turn into who believes what more!