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as opposed to 1700 or 1900??? i mean where did the year 1800 come from here???gatedropper said:Who Seriously Can Believe in anything written before 1800ad?
as opposed to 1700 or 1900??? i mean where did the year 1800 come from here???gatedropper said:Who Seriously Can Believe in anything written before 1800ad?
...if you assume it's fiction and read it the way you would read the eddasjudas69 said:I think the Bible is extremely interesting...
LORD_RED_DRAGON said:as opposed to 1700 or 1900??? i mean where did the year 1800 come from here???
okay now this actually makes sense the way you explained it instead of just giving a year numbergatedropper said:I don't know why I chose 1800. Prior to telegraph and dependable transportation is what I was thinking. When you have many people remembering one news event and documenting that event, you take away the natural human error. If the 'news' event is handed down through many hands then it becomes hearsay and might not be factual.
cfh said:I personally don't believe in god, or in satan. At this time when science has proven at least half of the bible wrong, I still keep wondering how someone could pray some fucking "god".. Well I don't judge anyone by their religion, they can believe what they want but I think it's total bullshit.
here's a web article that proves your point go to www.normalbobsmith.com/hatemail251.html scroll down to about 2/3rds of the way to the bottom of the page and read the text on the left that's written in the blood red lettersinfoterror said:Religion is meant to be allegorical, not literal. Hence dualism, existence of "God" as a being, etc. are misinterpretations.
cfh said:At this time when science has proven at least half of the bible wrong, I still keep wondering how someone could pray some fucking "god"..Obviously you have not read William Tiller's Science and Human Transformation
Here is an Amazon.com book review
"Dr. Tiller's excellent book, SCIENCE AND HUMAN TRANSFORMATION, boldly goes where few books dare to enter. Tiller presents a fascinating model of our universe as being multi-dimensional with a spiritual component. This book will likely be enjoyed most by readers who have experienced psychic or psycho-kinetic events in their lives, and are seeking a rational explanation for what might be going on. Those who have not yet had such experiences may not be convinced that such things exist -- even after reading Tiller's fascinating account of how he created a gas-discharge device in the 1970's while he was a professor at Stanford University which demonstrated that "anyone could produce a positive (psychokinetic) result".
SCIENCE AND HUMAN TRANSFORMATION is a joy to read for anyone who loves to play with new ideas and theories. It contains a wealth of schematic diagrams, charts, equations and references to support the theories Tiller presents. This book will most appeal to readers who love books they can ponder for some time, as it is packed with such ideas as: sensory arrays, etheric light cones, nodal networks and holograms.
The main point of SCIENCE AND HUMAN TRANSFORMATION is that the component of mind and consciousness has long been excluded from scientific study, and even omitted from Theories Of Everything (TOEs). Obviously, if we're going to have a theory of everything it had better include consciousness! Tiller knows this quite well, and artfully constructs a bridge for future scientists with open minds to cross over to a place where unseen things (such as human energy fields) have huge effects. If we want to know what has eluded us for so long, we need to go to the very places which are currently least well understood. SCIENCE AND HUMAN TRANSFORMATION provides a sturdy bridge for us to reach those previously unknown places."
And if that doesn't do it...
Gary Schwartz's book The Afterlife Experiments
"The book reports on scientific findings about consciousness after death from the University of Arizona Laboratory of Gary Schwartz, former Yale and Harvard professor. He works with mediums, who are "superstars of mediumship" including Jonathan Edwards.
The findings are based on data the mediums report based on their contact with people on "the other side" who are associated with "sitters" who are volunteers for these experiments.
For example, if a person says to a sitter that she had a grandmother, that's not impressive. If the medium says the grandmother loved the sitter very much, that's not too impressive either (My grandmothers died before I was born so it would be a wrong answer in my case) But if the sitter said that the grandmother is talking about daisies and her wedding-- well, that stands out. And if the medium reports that the daisies were in the sitters hair.. That's pretty amazing. Schwartz's research takes hundreds of items like this and then has the trained sitters rate them for accuracy. The mediums never meet, never see or hear the sitters, except when the medium hears the sitter in the next room sob, if the medium really nails a connection.
This work has evolved as a logical step in Dr. Schwartz's research into human energy systems and energy medicine, and from ideas that he first developed and reported with Lynda Russek in the book Living Energy Universe.
This research is very controversial, and while exciting and comforting to some, it is upsetting to some of the science skeptics, like James Randi, who seems to have made Dr. Schwartz his number one target recently. I've read his attacks though, and the attacks are personal and subjective, and if Randi submitted his own statements about Schwartz to the same requirements he expects of others, well, we wouldn't be hearing from Randi. I expect that I'll get more than the usual number of negative feedbacks on this from people who are skeptics, regardless of what the content of the review is.
The findings in this book are fantastic and call for further research and replication. And Schwartz is bravely continuing to do just that. Hopefully, as his research reaches broader audiences, other scientists will be encouraged to come out of the closet (there are plenty who believe, based on existing data) and start publishing and researching more on these and related parapsychology topics."
Two examples of Doctors that have scientifically proved something more than just death. I personally believe that this afterlife is God and heaven. Over 90% of the people on our planet have some sort of religion. Most of them are very similar. I just don't believe with that much evidence it can't be a scam. Atheists can deny it all they want and I don't blame them because most Christians are Hypocrites. Christianity is the bloodiest most corrupt religion on the planet, but that doesn't mean everyone that follows it is corrupt. You have to put forth effort instead of just giving up.
i wonder if anybody actually stopped to read this^^^LORD_RED_DRAGON said:here's a web article that proves your point go to www.normalbobsmith.com/hatemail251.html scroll down to about 2/3rds of the way to the bottom of the page and read the text on the left that's written in the blood red letters
LORD_RED_DRAGON said:i wonder if anybody actually stopped to read this^^^
Dushan S said:...And you are only real to the people that do know you personaly. Think about it :wink:
Btw, bible is a historical document, and represents judaistic mythology, and on the other hand it is a testimony of politics and changes in christian church as an organisation. It does not have that much with a spirituality, at least not directly, because you have to look for the truth between the lines.
So critisazing bible in a usual way people do is illogical, it is not like those stories are literary explanations of happenings. You have not know a lot of details to understand things in right context. For instance, it is so easy to say "born by a virgin mother...pile of bulshit". Original word explaining status of Jesus mother was signifying woman that has a child and does not have a husband, and she can be a virgin, but also a widow or a prostitute. Because of connotation, the word was later in translations replaced with a virgin because it was decided that Jesus is gods son and could not be mad in usual "human ways". this was just one example.
Or in a traditional sense, story of Adam and Eve is about sin, wrongness of woman as a being, about temptation of devil etc. Or at least christianity wants you to belive to this version. Actually, it is a story about developing self-awareness, and about spiritual growth and liberation.
Adam and his wife are unaware like animals, they live naked because they know no moral, no selfawareness, they are not judging and rethinking their thoughts and acts. Tree of knowledge clearly represents knowledge, awareness. There is a snake that is later adressed to devil, but snake is an old symbol for knowledge, you can see it every day used in pharmacy symbol, glass (potion) and snake (knowledge) - knowledge about potions, cures. Snake is a giver of knowledge, story shows that women is more agile and more open to change, have in mind that story probably dates to times of matryarchate. After tasting knowledge, Adam and Eve are becoming selfaware, they are ashamed to be naked, symbolism again. They are not punished by god like god is a person, they are out of paradise because, they are into world of duality, and are different than animals. They cannot be happy and careless anymore because they differentiate themselves from the rest of the universe.
So this were just examples to illustrates one of the many things in bible. So people have to differentiate between treating Byble as a source of hidden knowledge about past, or as a public document of christian. It is completely worthless if treated as something literar, true.
i still stand by this^^^ because i still believe that Judeo-Christianity is in reality nothing more than a crutch that is neccassary for those idiots that are to feeble-minded to deal with the reality of the crappiness of the way real world actually is...LORD_RED_DRAGON said:here's a web article that proves your point go to www.normalbobsmith.com/hatemail251.html scroll down to about 2/3rds of the way to the bottom of the page and read the text on the left that's written in the blood red letters
MTLHEAD_789 said:^ hahahahaha... but it is true... how can you believe in something that has no proof to back it up... show me proof that david beat goliath.. show me proof that there even was a david or a goliath..
this is the most hillarious thing i've ever seen and what makes it so fucking great is that it's, well, a totallyacurate warning label. the people that don't realize that it's fiction really can become dangerously psychotic which can be seen when you look at the Crusades, the inquisition, Hitler, Christian "ethics" severely slowing down stem-cell research (and to a lesser extent all other medical reasearch) which was parodied by a psychotically Christian female cartoon chacter saying "Don't worry Jesus, I'll put a stop to this blasphemy before it saves the lives of countless millions" which was so hilariously contradictory to what i believe that i put it in my sigVital Remains said: