Norsemaiden vbmenu_register("postmenu_4663967", true);
It makes more sense of the Bible that God is a sadistic killer rather than something worthy of worshiping. It makes sense that the devil is God and God is the devil. Satan was an angel who was cast out of Heaven for saying "Oh yeah, is that what God says?", challenging God. This indicates that having an inquiring mind is a sin in Heaven.
people would crucify you for saying this, even some of the people that post here, but i agree with you
i saw an episode of a TV show that dealt with this when the superhero character dies "before he's supposed to"
Norsemaiden vbmenu_register("postmenu_4663967", true);
Not much of a crime compared with God's crimes: booby trapping the garden of Eden, drowning everyone in a flood, burning to death all the people from Sodom and Gemorrah. And choosing out the Jews as his people regardless of what wickedness or bad behaviour they do like castrating their enemies, prostitution/pimping; murder; extermination; genocide (they can do no wrong by God). God orders Abraham to kill his own son (to test his faith). Yet throughout history God has betrayed his chosen people, allowing them to suffer persecution and death repeatedly. God never intervenes in any atrocity or slaughter no matter how bad, in human history. He promises ultimately to destroy the world, apart from 144 thousand from all the tribes of Israel (Revelation 7:1) . (The Christians will say this is not meant to be taken literally, but then who is a man to decide what in the Bible is to be taken literally or not? If it is so cryptical and doesn't mean what it says and is open to many different interpretations then it seems rather pointless as any kind of instruction).
i've actually read the bible (as reasearch)
and i can actually find all the things you're describing here even though most Christians wouldn't be able to
The people who just ask for evidence or aren't cowed into submission are put into a lake of fire for infinitity. Put into a superheated gas chamber for infinity! How good a God is that?
this really does make "God" look evil and petty and unneccassarily/excessively malicious
I used to be a Christian myself, but had to deprogramme myself. It is like a computer virus, initiated by the Jews in a cunning plan to destroy the Roman Empire. A great success. They took the Essene creed, repackaged it, and sold it to the Romans as a brain bomb. It was an act of desperation after the temple of Judea had been destroyed in 70AD. Same tactic applies to the formulation of: Communism, Protestantism, liberalism, feminism, fashion in clothes, music and art. Experts at mind manipulation.
my mom took me to church when i was little but i knew it was a cult as far back as i can remember (my immunity to the brainwashing effect on most pre-kindergarden kids was prolly connected to me learning how to read way younger than normal)
There's very little hope of a Christian being deprogrammed, because it is like putting a hot knife through a brain.
my mom perfect example
she knows about all the anti-Christian things i wrote and distributed in high school but she still tries to convert me
Key thing is to try taking a more moralistic tone than God. For example ,if God would tell you to kill your own son you would refuse. This makes you more noble than God.
if Jews were really "God's" "chosen" people, then how the fucking hell did "God" let the Holocaust happen???