Who seriously can believe in bible?

Arjen W. said:
Don't know if this is posted yet or if people are interested, but I found this documentary by Richard Dawkins pretty nice.

Pt. 1: The God Delusion
Pt. 2: The Virus of Faith
I watched the videos. I have to say that much of it is filled with supreme liberal intellectual arrogance, but there can be little doubt that religious extremism is responsible for many problems in the world. I don't make the sweeping indictment of all religious faith as the narrator did, but primarily on extremist and radical elements involved along the fringes of any ideology or religious belief. Simply ending the phenomena of faith won't stop world violence, but only change the motives. Religious belief and faith has the potential to do great things on the humanitarian front. Science and faith aren't mutually exclusive, as many scientists will tell you. Interesting links however.
Keltoi said:
I watched the videos. I have to say that much of it is filled with supreme liberal intellectual arrogance, but there can be little doubt that religious extremism is responsible for many problems in the world. I don't make the sweeping indictment of all religious faith as the narrator did, but primarily on extremist and radical elements involved along the fringes of any ideology or religious belief. Simply ending the phenomena of faith won't stop world violence, but only change the motives. Religious belief and faith has the potential to do great things on the humanitarian front. Science and faith aren't mutually exclusive, as many scientists will tell you. Interesting links however.

Yeah, I agree his judgements are a bit harsh from time to time, but he does make some good points, and it is a pretty interesting documantary.
Keltoi said:
I watched the videos. I have to say that much of it is filled with supreme liberal intellectual arrogance, but there can be little doubt that religious extremism is responsible for many problems in the world.

Thank godlessness for liberal arrogance. Imagine a world where there's nothing to counter the extreme arrogance, vitriole,etc of the far-right? :cry:
SoundMaster said:
Thank godlessness for liberal arrogance. Imagine a world where there's nothing to counter the extreme arrogance, vitriole,etc of the far-right? :cry:

I was referring more to intellectual "liberalism", not so much a political ideology. Those who label all people of faith as ignorant cattle to insult and ridicule are hugely arrogant in my opinion.
Perhaps Dawkins should be forgiven a little arrogance. He has a towering intellect after all, and is one of the greatest men in human history (although he has some flaws IMO).
Just imagine one day we will all live together in peace and harmony....a bit like "the trueman show", How lovely that would be everyone tolerant and respecting of each others religieons, black folks, marrying white folks....a nation of coffee coloured mild mannered, Mcdonalds eating nice people. No-more wars only niceness..........nice, nice, nice......wow im really looking forward to the future. but dont any of you think with all this perfectionalism brought on by the liberals and the religeous people, this might leave us all feeling a little (empty). Sometimes i like nothing better than to have a good old rant, but unfortunately in our happy little bubble of the future, it looks like that will be unacceptible. ho-hum nevermind. :rock:
What Richard Dawkins says about religion is what I have thought for many years. I realized just how evil religion is because of the inherent design to manipulate people at an subconscious level. But again I never really thought of how damaging it could be to children, but I would have to agree that forcing a child into brainwashing could be very damaging to the ego of the child.

I remember seeing a similar Hell House thing at the church I was forced to go to. It had similar things, not gay marriage, but even good people dying and going to hell because they didn't worship jesus. As a prepubescent child watching this, I was pretty horrified by this belief. ANd the devil comming and draggin people to the pit of hell was even worse.
Rip the sacred flesh
Sodomize the holy asshole
Drink the red blood of the mother of earth
Masturbation on the dead body of christ
The king of Jews is dead
and so are the lies
Vomit on the host of Heaven
Masturbate on the throne of God
Break the seals of angels
Drink the sweet blood of Christ
Taste the flesh of the priest
Sodomize holy nuns
The king of Jews is a liar
The Heavens will burn
Dethrone the son of God
God is dead
Holyness is gone
Purity is gone
Prayers are burned
Covered in black shit
Rape the holy ghost
Unclean birth of Jesus Christ
Heaven will fall
Fuck the church
Fuck Christ
Fuck the Virgin
Fuck the gods of Heaven
Fuck the name of Jesus

the bible is mythology nothing more. i dont believe in the stories in the sense that they actually happened but the ideas and moral values behind them are great. its also a good book just to read
The problem with religious faith isn't the belief, it is the organization called "church." Spirituality in its essence is a very personal matter. However, when this spiritual belief becomes wrapped around symbolism and ideology, it becomes a dangerous force capable of committing the most horrid of crimes. The answer is not the destruction of religious faith, but an end to what I like to call "religious tribalism". If one worships a God of peace, then killing in the name of that God is the ultimate blasphemy. So I don't believe religious violence is caused by faith, but by an ideology that uses that faith to guide people to commit unspeakable acts.
I watch the video from R Dawkins, but didn't feel he was that much arrogant. I might be biased though because my views are so close to what transpired from the video.

I found the arrogance and "violence" came from those religious people with who he talked to. Those people all had one thing in common, they all thought they were the only one to possess the real "Truth". That is what I find arrogant!

I really can't see why so many people say Science and Faith can coexist. To me that is a total aberration.
Ptah Khnemu said:
And I was about to ask why a religion topic turned into a racial thread.

As long as race is taboo, cooking topics are gonna turn into racial threads, even...

"Do British people count as a minority for hate crimes?"
Eric Theodore Cartman

I have to confess I havent read this thread in months. Should it be closed? Or do I have to actually read these posts and take action?