who sings better live

Apr 3, 2005
Neil or Joey?(i would put johny in but then it would turn out to be the joey johny thing again.

i never caught turbin live only belladonna so i wouldnt no.
Never seen Neil though I have no desire to see Neil. Have seen Joey and Jon a ton of times. Joey is much better simply for the fact that when he sings the OLD classic songs it sounds like the record. If they were to play newer Anthrax songs POST Joey Era I would rather hear John sing thing
Back in the day - Joey but age hasn't treated his voice too kindly - John's good live too. Don't know about Neil.

Hmmm I gotta go Mr Belladonna.
Never heard Neil live but he´s not too good even on the record.
So I would say John, then ....................................................................., Joey, Neil.

Hmm, I prefer John live mainly because he said more than '13 Years' and 'It's SO good to be here' when I've seen them.

On live albums and the like I still prefer Bush.

Neil pissed all over them on Fistful though, Joey and John seem pathetically inferior to Neil with the high pitched stuff.
I just saw Neil and the Death Riders... sorry bad news.... he did Panic, Deathrider and Mad House.... even my 14 yrs old said he sucked.......
DiscipleOfThePit said:
Oh and MetalThrasher:

Sorry I'm taking so long to get that MOD stuff sent your way, I'm on Dial Up just now so uploading takes way too long. I'm back on DSL soon.

alright its all good

Anyway I would say that John was terrific live on the SOWN tour and Joey was unbelievable on the STD and ATL tour so I'll go with Joey.
thraxx said:
I just saw Neil and the Death Riders... sorry bad news.... he did Panic, Deathrider and Mad House.... even my 14 yrs old said he sucked.......

he did Madhouse? Strange coz he didn´t even sing this song, it´s like if Joey did Only with his solo band...
As much as I like Joey, I'd have to say John is a much stronger live singer. However I hate the way he attempts to get the crowd going by saying "get the fuck up" and shit like that berfore every song.

Never heard Turbin live.
among_the_dead said:
Joey Belladonna IS the singer of anthrax LIVE and STUDIO. Hands down no questions asked!!

Bush was just a replacement.

Anyone ever see the N.F.V video??
i rest my case.

:headbang: thats a great video.