Who the f**k makes these laws?

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
So I'm in Milford, Mass for training. I figured I'd go smoke a cigar at some point this evening. So I call the front desk, and ask if I can smoke a cigar in the hotel bar. "No."

Apparently, smoking, of any kind, isn't allowed anywhere in the entire state of Mass., unless it's a "private establishment".

So I call the local cigar store. I ask the owner where I can smoke a cigar. He says "no where but cigar bars, and there are none near here". What about bars, I ask? "No." What about a strip club, I inquire? "No."

Who the fuck decided, that a grown man shouldn't be allowed to go into a strip club and light up a cigar? We're talking about a place where you have to be 21 to enter, where alchohol flows like a river, and where all the chicks are naked (and doing coke in the back room)? What the fuck?!

Im a 100% fascist when it comes to smoking, and Markgugs said the best thing he ever said in his life.
I dont even want the 0000000000000000000000000.1% of someone else's smoke near me, and i totally demand every smoker to respect that.
IOfTheStorm said:
Im a 100% fascist when it comes to smoking, and Markgugs said the best thing he ever said in his life.
I dont even want the 0000000000000000000000000.1% of someone else's smoke near me, and i totally demand every smoker to respect that.

So don't go to bars, or clubs.
I'm glad people aren't allowed to smoke in public buildings. We'll have that law in 6 months in Quebec I think
lurch70 said:
get a hooker and smoke one in your hotel room

This weekend I was fucking amazed that I was alowed to smoke in my hotel room actually..."m just sososososo used to not being able to smoke ANYWHERE in Mass.
I like these laws. I don't want to have to breathe in other people's smoke, nor do I blame waitresses/waiters for not wanting to do so either.
It is a really stupid law. If the owner of an establishment wants people to be able to enjoy smoking in said establishment, that should be the end of it. If you don't like it, don't go to that establishment, problem solved.
It is a really stupid law. If the owner of an establishment wants people to be able to enjoy smoking in said establishment, that should be the end of it. If you don't like it, don't go to that establishment, problem solved.

It's got nothing to do with the people who are customers; it has everything to do with the employees who work there and their right to work in a smoke-free environment. Before you say "well, go work someplace else," many people simply don't have that option.