The "Are These Guys Any Good" Thread

Read some reviews on Sheavy, and yeah they all said they are good, but a BS clone, with the singer even sounding just like Ozzy. Meh, I'd rather have the original.

Well with that description, Acrimony sounds class.
Thanatopsis123 said:
I'm wondering about these bands:

Hades Almighty
Dark Fury

Hades Almighty is the same band as Hades, who put out the incredible Dawn of The Dying Sun. I haven;t heard any albums besides that one though.

Hellveto's new one, In Arms of Kurpian Phantom is currently making my dick hard, as you can see in my sig. It is breathtaking symphonic pagan BM.
J. said:
Read some reviews on Sheavy, and yeah they all said they are good, but a BS clone, with the singer even sounding just like Ozzy. Meh, I'd rather have the original.

Well with that description, Acrimony sounds class.

Ya, the lead vocalist does sound just like Ozzy. It's uncanny, lol.
Thanatopsis123 said:
Hades Almighty

Released first two albums as Hades, and they both rule. The Dawn of the Dying Sun is one of the finest viking black metal albums ever released. The debut, Again Shall Be, is also very good and is worth owning.

The third album, where they became Hades Almighty, is not near as good, and pretty much dropped the whole viking thing. Not worth owning IMO.

Haven't heard the fourth album.

Seriously, get the first two now.

BTW, ignore the 3-song demo CD, as those three songs are found on the first two full-lengths.
Doomcifer said:
Hellveto's new one, In Arms of Kurpian Phantom is currently making my dick hard, as you can see in my sig. It is breathtaking symphonic pagan BM.

Elaborate por favor. Is this Graveland-ish or perhaps Mordaehoth-ish?
As D00Mcifer said, both bands rule, but ACRIMONY rule MORE. "Tumuli Shroomaroom" (or how is that shit spelled) is a fuckin MASTERPIECE of HEAVY ROCK/METAL. But i disagree with the bands that Doomcifer mentioned to be similar with them, because Acrimony are a lot HEAVIER, they remind more of a more psychedelic (in terms of some atmospheric moments) Cathedral for example. Oh and they are very HEAVY. They are HEAVY. VERY HEAVY. THEIR RIFFS RULE.
J. said:
Elaborate por favor. Is this Graveland-ish or perhaps Mordaehoth-ish?

Neither, at all. You just need to listen, about 10 times before it sinks in like it did for me. lol

Belenos are fucking AWESOME. I can;t see how anyone wouldn't soil themselves for 'em. Especially Errances Oniriques, or however it's spelled. Kick-fucking-ass pagan BM. One of the best. Also, expecting one from them sometime next month or so!
Damn, i love Sheavy. Yea they are like Sabbath but also not really. If you want to hear them let me know and i'll make some songs available to you.
excellent, i included 8 songs there from their releases.

2 from Blue Sky Mind - 1996
1 from a compilation - 1999
1 from The Electric Sleep - 1999
2 from Celestial Hi-Fi - 2000
2 from Synchronized - 2002
SO! hopefully you'll like something in there.
i just pulled it also ... I like it somewhat, but never heard such a blatant Ozzy ripoff in my life before.