The "are these guys any good?" thread

Lutz said:
Their album is comparable to Mayhem's "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" and it's the best release of 2003! Great band.

i downloaded their full-length some days ago now, i just heard it 1,5 times but i'm already very impressed, great stuff indeed

do you know where i could get the vinyl version of it apart from selbstmord?
What the fuck, wasn't this thread bumped just recently? Guess not. I command you to RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE.

Dead Can Dance

I keep hearing these names over and over again in the (ir)regular circles I hover about. What the fuck, good, not good, bad, gay, whorish, testicles, condensed soup, what. Please to be of telling me I thank advanced placement classification.
Resurrection time since im stuck in a recliner for two days because of shoulder surgery.

Whats the verdict on suidakra, particularly the last few? I remember like their first couple of albums, then moved on.
Arkona from russia? I keep hearing about this band.
God Dethroned. Educate me
Whats the verdict on suidakra, particularly the last few?

Are these guys really still around? I remember them as a kind of Manowar meets In Flames living joke

Arkona from russia?

Good! epic and sincere atmospheres, strong vocalist. Solid collection of albums. I recommend especially Goi, Rode, Goi!

God Dethroned

meh. Pointless mishmash of everything from heavy/thrash to black and death metal.
I bought GD the grand grimoire for $2. I figured i cant lose.

Ive ordered 3 arkona albums for cheap, but never heard anything by them. Now im really looking forward to getting them.

Suidakra released like their 11th album last year. I heard they went back to their melodic death meets folk sound
arkona are winners. goddamn im impressed. im usually put off by female vocalists, but this chick makes it work. is butterfly temple, kroda, or pagan reign even remotely as interesting?