The "Are These Guys Any Good" Thread

CROSS POST!!! Because it's funny that these two threads have identical names, quotes and all. :tickled:

Dead Can Dance

I know nothing about either. No wait, I know the one group is called Dead Can Dance, and the other is called................ Coil. Okay that's all I know. Hepp me, hepp me pleeze.
yep Dead Can Dance are godz, though all the words Guardian used cant really describe their awesome-ness, check out "The Serpent's Egg", and "Within The Realm Of A Dying Sun", or download "Xavier" to be fully addicted.
"neoclassical minimalist medieval folk world music"

Wow. Okay I'll probably d/l some first, but that sounds pretty interesting.
Okay I Will When I Return Home Where My eMule is (no d/l at work, they say NO! NO! STOP IT! NO!)
Golem are pretty cool, they sound like Morbid Angel on the immediate surface but that comparison disappears the more you listen. Classical music influences, you could call them involved death metal I guess.
Can anyone share opinions on these?

Woods of Belial

J. said:

Their debut The Gloomy Reflections of Our Hidden Sorrows is old-school style brutal death metal with hints melody that echos Swedish DM. Riding Our Black Oceans is similar to early At The Gates with it's use of internal melody.
NicodemiX said:
Clandestine Blaze?
I'm only familiar with their split with Deathspell Omega but I've heard that all their material is pretty much the same. If you've heard DSO's latest you know what to expect lyricswise, low and powerful growls. Musically it's slow paced black metal with monotonous riffing with a great quite sorrowful atmosphere at times, I can't think of any fair comparisons atm though.
I personally enjoy it and have been considering getting some more material, if that's any help :]
spaffe said:
I'm only familiar with their split with Deathspell Omega but I've heard that all their material is pretty much the same. If you've heard DSO's latest you know what to expect lyricswise, low and powerful growls. Musically it's slow paced black metal with monotonous riffing with a great quite sorrowful atmosphere at times, I can't think of any fair comparisons atm though.
I personally enjoy it and have been considering getting some more material, if that's any help :]

That sounds cool. I just ordered "Fist of the Northern Destroyer" because the title sounds like it might be fun.