The "Are These Guys Any Good" Thread

More like really sorrowful, raw, slow black metal... At least if talking about "Suicidal Emotions", which is the Abyssic Hate release to get anyway.
Ah, feck, yes, the split with Det Hedenske Folk, "United By Heathen Blood". I thought it was very very good, but it may not be very representative for what he did later in his career.
Erik said:
By the way fotmbm, get the fuck over here to get your THR stuff and give me my LP and cassette k?!?
fotmbm said:
If you take your bike-o-matic 2k and go to my place and pick up the tape and LP and then stop by at the university and pick me up k?!?
Erik said:
Oh my bike, you mean the one that was stolen about three years ago (and which, by the way, has less than stellar performance in 10 centimeters of snow)?
fotmbm said:
You could also try bus, airplane, car, legs, horse, goat, broomshaft or other means of transport.
Put this on the next Nasheim (or maybe Lethal would work better) tshirt, pls.
So, perhaps Markgugs, fotmbm, or the ever-knowledgable-Erik would like to expand on what Forest sounds like? I can't find any samples and the only description I've seen is "Pure minimal black metal with strong atmosphere."

I'm most interested in Foredooming the Hope for Eternity and As a Song in the Harvest of Grief.
Thanatopsis123 said:
So, perhaps Markgugs, fotmbm, or the ever-knowledgable-Erik would like to expand on what Forest sounds like? I can't find any samples and the only description I've seen is "Pure minimal black metal with strong atmosphere."

I'm most interested in Foredooming the Hope for Eternity and As a Song in the Harvest of Grief.
Forest is sort of like "Transilvanian Hunger"-era Darkthrone... Unlike many clone bands though, they actually manage to sound somewhat unique and do, at times, achieve some atmosphere. Occasionally they use clean vocals and stuff too. "A Blaze Above the Ashes" is decent, but I haven't heard that much by them.
I also wonder about The Red King - "Vitreolvm". It has a cool cover...
Doing your own research is cool...


"The mastermind behind this very special opus is Johann Bran Cleerman. All words and music were written by him and he also arranged, performed everything that can be heard and enjoyed. Johann has realized what every musician / composer dream to do at least once in their life: a solo project that he or she can master with no restraint or set boundaries. A true creation in its purest sense.

Opening track 'Materia Prima' is an instrumental piece made of highly sophisticated symphonic landscapes in which the piano leads the way throughout scenery of neo-classical arrangements beating to the pulse of occasional traditional percussions. The mood is grandiose and epic. 'Visita Interiora Terrae' has a calm and dark introduction dressed with piano notes and keyboards sounds, becoming heavier and more mysterious when the drums and Johann' strange vocals join in. His voice is clean, somewhat theatrical and tortured. The last measures are calmer and a spooky passages, with spacey keys closing this composition. The third opus, 'Rectificadoque Invenies Occultum Lapidem' can be considered as 'la piece de resistance' with its 18:22 running time and is a true majestic symphonic epic with all the fancy elements involved: piano, bells, beautiful melodic lines, dark low tone spoken words, tortured screams, dramatic passages conveyed by chords, ensemble sounds becoming more intense and tragic as it progresses towards the end with the percussions rolling, the tortured vocals doing a duo with some demoniac low tonalities then some more screams, dramatic chords, becoming calm almost serene as if delivered from pain and suffering. Finally, 'Veram Medicinam' begins dark with spoken words on a dramatic symphonic decor echoed by bells, then a chord ensemble joins in the tragedy with loud percussions before a mysterious mood with demoniac spoken words takes place. The following moments will bring in some more piano and chords parts, disturbed and theatrical vocals, somber and beautiful symphonic arrangements and some grave and devilish voice near the end."

Sounds cool, no?
I still want to hear more opinions on Macabre. Sorath told me they scream and hit their instruments a lot, and that sounded kind of cool, but I'm still not sold on them.
Dystopia (w/ ex-Mindrot members)
Limbonic Art
16 (Doomcifer is sending me one of their CDs, but has anyone else heard 'em? I saw an interview comparing them with Unsane, Fudge Tunnel and Helmet, all of whom rule)
J. said:
16 (Doomcifer is sending me one of their CDs, but has anyone else heard 'em? I saw an interview comparing them with Unsane, Fudge Tunnel and Helmet, all of whom rule)

You'll have it in a couple days. Zoloft Smile is their finest as well so you'll know from there.
Limbonic Art are typical melodic black metal, just not with the shitload of gayness dimmu and cof have, a little bit more "mystical" and complex sometimes. I dont like them, but a fan of the genre may love them
the reason I asked is because I adore Golden Dawn's "The Art of Dreaming" and i get that "mystical" vibe from that album, so that's why I asked about LA.