The "Are These Guys Any Good" Thread

Im really digging Mortiis. Strangely I enjoy Smell of Rain.

The Ocean is quite excellent as well. I am going to put them on the anticipation of the next album list with Overmars, as I think they need to mature just a little more, and then both bands could acheive Isis like perfection.
Agreed about The Ocean. The album is good, but they need time to find their strengths and then capitalize on them.
Well, I bought the self-titled Two Trains album and only listened to it twice. It might have been alright but for the seriously annoying vocals and what appeared to be faily horrid lyrics (I didn't have the heart to look in the cd booklet after the little bits I'd actually caught).

I thought it was going to be darker and perhaps a little more prog than it turned out to be. Think of it as a retarded half cousin of In Absentia.
Susperia's Unlimited has kind of a Testament sound. A change from their usual stuff, which was a melodic death w/ some black metal. Worth checking out.

The new In Battle is damn good.
Opeth17 said:
Infernum-Taur Nu Fuin
It's OK. I have it in my trade list. It's basically raw black metal with Rob Darken (Graveland) doing keyboards and Capricornus doing drums with someother dude providing vocals.

If you like early Graveland, you'll like this one.
I just got that Infernum album recently. It's ok, but not worth it unless you can find it CHEAP. Buy some Graveland instead.

Anyway, anyone know about the Russian band Forest? They doesn't even have info at about some of their albums I just noticed at

Wait...actually as I just now checked, metal archives does, as of day at least list all of the band's albums. No reviews yet, however.

Oh, and since there are two bands of that name from Russia, I'm talking about the one formerly known as: Varlodr, Vargleide.
Unless I'm mistaken Forest later changed their name to Vargleide, may have changed some members as well... They don't sound really the same either, Vargleide sounds more or less like a mix between Forest and Old Wainds, and both (all three) are very good.
Forest is not Vargleide, despite what Metal-Archives may try to make you believe... By the way fotmbm, get the fuck over here to get your THR stuff and give me my LP and cassette k?!?
ok, M-A is evil and has lied to me.
If you take your bike-o-matic 2k and go to my place and pick up the tape and LP and then stop by at the university and pick me up k?!?
Oh my bike, you mean the one that was stolen about three years ago (and which, by the way, has less than stellar performance in 10 centimeters of snow)?