The "Are These Guys Any Good" Thread

Two bands I'm interested in finding more about.

1. Forgotten Woods: Are they good? If they are where can I find their stuff? I heard Xasthur cover one of their songs as a vinyl only bonustrack on Funeral of Being and I rather liked it.

2. Abyssic Hate
Oh I was wondering if Mortiis are any good. I heard the dude was making darker but less complex NIN type music. Ive heard Mortiis is both good and awful. So, can someone give me their opinion?
speed said:
Oh I was wondering if Mortiis are any good. I heard the dude was making darker but less complex NIN type music. Ive heard Mortiis is both good and awful. So, can someone give me their opinion?
I've only heard the new one, which I recently reviewed for MetalReview. Pretty much like you said, VERY NIN influenced. Skinny Puppy too. It's solid stuff but nothing that I found all that exciting.
speed said:
Oh I was wondering if Mortiis are any good. I heard the dude was making darker but less complex NIN type music. Ive heard Mortiis is both good and awful. So, can someone give me their opinion?

I've only heard Crypt of the Wizard but I really liked it. It's pretty different from his newer material I guess with a nice medival feel and with only a synth.
speed said:
Hey Matt99crew, I read your review of The Ocean. Sounds interesting, I think i am going to check them out.
Cool, you should. A good album that shows some promise for the band. I bought it from willowtip for 10 bucks--Can't beat that with a stick.

By the way, MetalReview is looking for writers, so if you or any of the other guys (not the RC writers of course) are interested, I can let you know you to proceed.
I am flattered, but I dont know if I would do the music justice. SO they dont provide you with cds? You have to find them on your own?
No, the site provides you with stuff to review. But that album wasn't submitted to us and I found it on my own.

I know you're familiar w/ MR and you seem to know your stuff. It is really just a matter of deciding whether the site and commitment level are a good fit and then submitting sample reviews. I of course am a scrub, and have nothing to do with this process. But I can point you and other any other interested people in the right direction.
With each listen, The Ocean album gets better and better. It reminds me of Isis at times, with long, drawn out beautiful instrumentation, and a lack of vocals. However, they are not as tranquil as Isis, being more metal at times, plus The Ocean adds a lot more instruments into the music. Worth the $10 IMO.
NicodemiX said:
Two bands I'm interested in finding more about.

1. Forgotten Woods: Are they good? If they are where can I find their stuff? I heard Xasthur cover one of their songs as a vinyl only bonustrack on Funeral of Being and I rather liked it.

2. Abyssic Hate
