Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

I'm not even calling this even anymore... McCain is kicking some ass.

"Can I mention that he didn't name the amount of the fine?"... This is how McCain should be handling everything. "Hey Obama, how about actually naming something you're gonna cut, how about giving numbers to your plans".
Hey Obama... the question was "what don't you know and how will you learn it", not "What I know and what is your life's story"...

Fucking jackass.
It's amazing how different media outlets can have such differing poll results...


Sen. John McCain 13% 5454
Sen. Barack Obama 84% 34740
No clear winner 3% 1146
Total Votes: 41340

Drudge Report:

70% 51,267
26% 19,286
3% 2,428


Barack Obama
50% 35,921
John McCain
43% 30,440
It was a draw
7% 5,026

Seriously... WTF.
didnt watch much of it. mccain apparently had to take a shit the whole time. he couldnt sit/stand still. i dont think it changed many minds. mccains health care checks are a fucking joke. does he really think when people get $5000 in the mail, they'll go out and purchase healthcare. he's as ancient (and close to being as dead) as his heroes he mentioned: Roosevelt and Reagan.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

Just plain stupid: electing repubs over and over again and expecting different results.

Still, id choose biden over obama
Also... Obama needs to learn about the history of the computer. "invented by the US government"... WTF, for someone who is insisting on attacking his opponent from a technological standpoint, he should learn the history of the medium he is using to do this.
i couldnt care less if he knows who invented the computer. hell, most people dont know that. they probably think it was al gore.

i care about inventing a way out of this bushie/mccain policy mess.
What part of this mess is McCain's fault? And I do care about things like that since that shows the mans character. He might not be sure on it, hell, he may have just made it up in his head since he knew most americans wouldn't know anything about it, but he's going to say it anyway just because it helps HIM.
BTW, I am convinced at this point that McCain has no chance of winning this election. Between people who don't even look at the issues, those who aren't voting for mccain just because he has the R next to his name, the blacks voting for the sake of obama being some black, and as of recent the Ohio homeless drives and the ACORN voter fraud... I am completely convinced that Obama has this election in the bag.

Why I continue to argue on McCain's behalf is wasted time.
It's amazing how different media outlets can have such differing poll results...
Not really amazing at all. At this point, the two candidates are largely speaking to their respective bases. Those who have already decided, or as I like to call them, people with brain function, are going to hear their candidate say the things that made them "their candidate" and it will have greater resonance. They're going to view the debate through that lense and see their candidate as the victor.

BTW, I am convinced at this point that McCain has no chance of winning this election. Between people who don't even look at the issues...
I completely disagree. The reason we've seen such a dramatic swing in the polls over the course of the last week, is because people are finally voting on a real issue; the economy. Now, you may disagree on who would be better on handling it, but that is the cause for the swing and it is a real issue.

Why I continue to argue on McCain's behalf is wasted time.
McCain pissed away his last scrap of self-respect when he caved to the religious right, tried pandering to female voters, and chose Caribou Barbie as his running mate. Had he chose who he wanted to choose (Tom Ridge), I could have at least respected him.

Some political analysts are stating that the media bias in this election is responsible for a full 15 points in Obama's favor. I'm not surprised to see such results from CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and the like, when a bunch of noodle dancers in a N.Y Tower are pulling the masses marionette strings. Greg, Jeff, feeling a little twitchy?!?

Obama put his foot in his mouth on more than one occasion tonight. The third question of the evening was by some older lady who stated that the nation has lost their faith in congress' ability to curtail this financial downslide. How does he answer in kind?!?! He calls her a cynic. Well shouldn't she rightfully feel that way?

Then later in the nubian night he goes on to state that U.S military force is justified in circumstances of clear cut genocide. According to Mr. Obama, failing to act when one has the ability to do so, diminishes our image. Therefore, by his own words, he should be in favor of the war in Iraq, not opposed.