Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
So in your opinion there is no other reason aside from the four reasons you've listed that anyone would vote for Obama? Clearly I'm just voting for him because I'm a homeless black man who's ignorant of the issues and hates Republicans. I'm also representative of the majority of the country at the moment.

Yep, that describes the current situation accurately. :lol:

I didn't say that it's the reason you're voting for him. What I meant was that the reason that he IS going to win is that he is getting the edge from those areas. Even if only 13% are black, and say only 5% voting for him from the blacks are voting for him just for the sake of bringing the brother up... thats 5% of the Us population, spread out, voting for him just for being black. And there is atleast that percentage of blacks voting for him for just that reason. Maybe 2% are completely anti-obama (mostly the ones involved in those anti-obama nut job churches), and another 6 percent that I have know knowledge of, but even if undecided, will most likely vote to get the black
man up in the world.

The homeless drives, taking advantage of a loophole in the ohio state laws, is giving a head up to the brother in the battleground state. A bullshit head up.

Fuck that man, and fuck the people who do that kinda jive ass bullshit.
Even if only 13% are black, and say only 5% voting for him from the blacks are voting for him just for the sake of bringing the brother up... thats 5% of the Us population, spread out, voting for him just for being black.
This argument, which I've heard in a number of places, is beyond absurd. Black voters vote Democratic. In 1996, Clinton received 83% of the black vote. So the notion that black voters are voting for Obama simply because he's black, shows a poor understanding of the demographics of politics. Even if Obama was to carry the 17% that Clinton didn't carry in '96 and receive 100% of the black vote (which won't happen), that would only give him an additional 2% of the popular vote.

So, for you to make the argument that Obama being black actually works to his benefit, you'd than have to prove that less than 2% of the overall U.S. population won't vote for McCain solely because he's white or because Obama is black. And you'd have to make that argument, in spite of every exit poll and phone survey to the contrary.

Oh come on... they're voting for him because he is black and everyone knows it. They're using it to their advantage, and even Biden is bringing it up in his rally talks:
Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden, campaigning in North Carolina where black votes could help swing the state to the Democrats, said today that electing a black person to the White House would be transformative.

Biden said the policies of running mate Barack Obama make his presidency even more urgent and declared this to be the most important election that any living person has seen in their lifetime. But he particularly singled out the meaning of electing someone who is black.

"That will be a transformative event in American politics and internationally," Biden said. "That all by itself will be significant."

And people like this:


You can't honestly say that there is not a large amount of "hell yeah, nigga going into the office, lets make sure of it" going on around.

Also, Bill Clinton's amount of the black vote was much lower than most democratic presidential candidates. Most likely because he was the only one who didn't promise to bring them out of the projects and into million dollar homes. That they're going to clean the deficit up and give the black man a little bit more on welfare. McCain wants to make those motherfuckers work for their free ride... it's no wonder the idea of voting for him isn't going to run through these peoples heads.

THAT'S why democrats typically get the black vote. Empty words that these idiots keep falling for.

And that's all Obama is, empty words. "CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE"... what the fuck are you changing asshole? Nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing. Is he going to reform the congressional system, especially considering it's downfall of usefulness in the last 2 years? Fuck no. That's change, that's not allowed. How about removing all the troops and bases from foreign lands, every single fucking base and troop, bringing them back home, and using the money saved from not funding those over funded bases anymore to build up our defense program and the build up of the military for when the time comes that we actually have a reason to fight? A bit extreme, but no... that'd be change. Could you imagine the rest of the world's thoughts if we did that though? "Hey guys, I'm sorry the past leaders of my country were so aggressive, as payback I've decided we're gonna just keep to ourselves, however I must state that if you are to antagonize us, attempt to attack us in anyway, or anything of the like, we will unleash the full power of the US military upon you!". I know if I heard those words, fucking shit yeah! Instead he's continuing the same old fucking "lets chase Osama through the middle east, I think he's in Pakistan!" bullshit. Fuck that. Imagine the amount of money we would save if we told the rest of the world "hey, this is YOUR problem, we've dealt with it long enough". Shit, not to steal words, but the only thing that is changing with Obama is his answers in debates. They change whenever the polls tell him to change them. But people, white and black, eat this shit up. Empty words without substance, ideas without plans... change? Nothing, just the same old shit that we've had for the past 8 years.

At least with McCain, we're getting straight up bullshit. He's gonna ram it in your ass, he's gonna ram it hard. And he's going to tell you when he's about to thrust again... Shit, even Palin "Hey guys, we're in a bit of a doozy here, so joe six pack, just hold tight and we'll be back to normal operational function right after this thing just fixes itself".

With Obama? Nothing's going to change. He's going to talk to you, tell you everything's alright, and then right before he leaves... you see it. The dick in your ass. The dick in your ass that's been there for 8 years, but it just wasn't in your sight.

Of all the democrats, why did it have to be Obama... the one person I just can't find anything redeeming in. Why couldn't it have been Edwards or even fucking Hillary.

Politics piss me off.
Yeah, as i've said a million times, it's definitely utah making me not realize the amazing amounts of good Obama is going to do for this country.

And what the fuck is the deal with the contraversy over McCain's use of "That One"? So let me get this straight, I'm a racist if I ask someone asks "which mexican fucked up the toilet this time" and I point and say "that one", but if I were to point and say "he did", it's not racist? What the fuck is wrong with the country?
Shit, not to steal words, but the only thing that is changing with Obama is his answers in debates. They change whenever the polls tell him to change them.

When questioned during the first debate over which major agenda point he would drop if push came to shove, he stated "energy". Last night during debate deux, he claimed that energy is paramount and his top priority. Nothing but empty words. I'm a little surprised that he hasn't promised us a Mars colony by 2011.
Oh come on... they're voting for him because he is black and everyone knows it.
For years and years, blacks have voted overwhelmingly democrat. Now that there's a black candidate, they're voting democrat because of the candidate? Come on... it's you whose trying to bend the facts to suit your argument. And to state that blacks vote democratic because they've been duped, is beyond silly. They vote democrat because the democrats better attend to their needs than do the republicans. Which is the same reason the christian right votes republican. And let's be fair, you didn't even address the simple truth that more votes will be cast for McCain because he's white then will be cast for Obama because he's black.

The reason your candidate is behind in the polls isn't because Obama is the celeb candidate who says whatever people want to hear, it's because your candidate has sold out everything he once held sacred to become President and everyone can see through his veil of insincere bullshit. He picked an incompetent VP he didn't know or vet, simply because he though it would get him votes, not because it was who he wanted. If the John McCain of 2000 was running for President, I'd be voting for him. But it's become quite clear over the course of the last year, he's not the man led people once thought he was.

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Which is the same reason the christian right votes republican.

It's because of these people that Texas never votes blue and the democrats never even campaign here. It's annoying.

Even my family sees me as an outsider because I dont drink the Repub kool aid or believe in divine command theory or outright oppose abortion. Hell even the Church didnt oppose abortion until the 17th century, and that was from a mistake.

At a fair I went to last weekend, the Repub table from huge and front and center. The Demo table was towards the end of the street and quaint. Fucking hicks.[/useless post]
Democrats only SAY they're going to attend to their needs... but do they ever do it? As far as I can see, none of them have helped even a bit so far. They're still in the same poverty stricken situations? Didn't change during Carter, or Clinton. 12 years and they couldn't have done something? Obviously someone is not attending to their needs. They just might have been duped into throwing their bodies into that booth.

It's funny, I love abortion, I hate rich people and their tax breaks, I fucking LOATHE religion, I think education should come before most other shit we put funding into in this country, I'd rather not any more middle eastern war, and I fucking despise a large chunk of the bush administration... but I still cannot find one redeeming thing about the man. People who think similarly to me love this man with all their heart, but I cannot grasp what there is... all I hear is just another set of empty words every time he opens his mouth. According to the average democrat, I'm brain damaged! :lol:
but dont you think this election will bring out black voters that have never voted before? i dont know that this will make much of a difference overall, but i would imagine obama will have significantly more black people vote for him than anyone has before...

The last two years John McCain has spent on the presidential campaign trail seem to finally have transported the Republican candidate back to the Hanoi Hilton he called home for five and a half years. At a campaign stop in Pennsylvania Wednesday, McCain referred to his supporters as "fellow prisoners" in a botched attack on his Democratic opponent Barack Obama.

"You and I together will confront the $10 trillion debt the federal government has run up and balance the federal budget by the end of my term in office," he said. "Across this country, this is the agenda I have set before my fellow prisoners and the same standards of clarity and candor must now be applied to my opponent."

Judging by McCain's pause, he expected that to be an applause line. Silence greeted him from the perplexed crowd.

Standing behind her father, Meghan McCain briefly furrows her brow, apparently recognizing the 72-year-old seantor's gaffe. Vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin also is flanking McCain on stage, but it is less clear whether she recognizes the mistake.

McCain makes no effort to correct his mistake, but he seemed flustered when the crowd didn't erupt at the line. Glancing down at his prepared text, McCain charged on through to the next line in his speech.

"We've all heard what he said," McCain said of Obama. "But it's less clear what he has done, or what he will do."

McCain and Palin were introduced at the Bethlehem, Pa., stop by a local official who invoked Obama's middle name, Hussein. It's the second time in three days that's happened at an official McCain event, despite the campaign's insistence it doesn't condone such behavior.
... but I still cannot find one redeeming thing about the man. People who think similarly to me love this man with all their heart, but I cannot grasp what there is... all I hear is just another set of empty words every time he opens his mouth. According to the average democrat, I'm brain damaged! :lol:
Quite honestly, and I don't mean this as an insult, it looks like you view Obama through the prism of racism.

We can all agree Obama doesn't have nearly the track record McCain does. However, it's exactly this track record that should illustrate that it's McCain's words which are empty. Yet, you find his argument to be more convincing than Obama's. McCain, by almost all accounts, is the far less engaging speaker. Yet, you're more convinced by his argument. You hate Bush. McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time.

Of all the democrats, why did it have to be Obama... the one person I just can't find anything redeeming in. Why couldn't it have been Edwards or even fucking Hillary.
If you combined the positions of Hillary and Edwards, and then compared both Obama and McCain to them, you'd find Obama's positions nearly identical and McCain's positions in direct oposition. Yet you're voting for McCain? Obama is the Democrat. His positions are nearly identical to the positions of the candidates you would have voted for (Edwards, Hillary, etc.). Yet you're voting for the man whose positions run in direct opposition.

You're voting based on race.

The "fellow prisoners" error is pretty funny. I don't allow gaffes to sway my opinion of anyone but I did get a good laugh out of it. The "that one" comment went over my head though...I just don't get why it got so much attention.