Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Some political analysts are stating that the media bias in this election is responsible for a full 15 points in Obama's favor. I'm not surprised to see such results from CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and the like, when a bunch of noodle dancers in a N.Y Tower are pulling the masses marionette strings. Greg, Jeff, feeling a little twitchy?!?

It has nothing to do with getting Obama in. I'm in favor of outing the repubs and stitching up this wreck of a country that the people you're so quick to defend put us in. Quit drinking the Repub Kool-Aid.
I am not sure most negars want Obama in office ... their excuse of no longer getting jobs because of the color of their skin will never once be believed again.
they will actually have to "qualify" for work.
Greg, Jeff, feeling a little twitchy?!?
Am I the "Greg" being referenced here? If so, I'm not clear what you're trying to say.

Obama put his foot in his mouth on more than one occasion tonight. The third question of the evening was by some older lady who stated that the nation has lost their faith in congress' ability to curtail this financial downslide. How does he answer in kind?!?! He calls her a cynic. Well shouldn't she rightfully feel that way?
Actually, he said no such thing...

Finch: How can we trust either of you with our money when both parties got -- got us into this global economic crisis?

Obama: Well, look, I understand your frustration and your cynicism because while you've been carrying out your responsibilities...

She expressed distrust, he said he "understood". He related to her middle class problems. Since you support the Republican candidate, I can see why a politician relating to middle class problems would seem so foreign to you.

Then later in the nubian night he goes on to state that U.S military force is justified in circumstances of clear cut genocide. According to Mr. Obama, failing to act when one has the ability to do so, diminishes our image. Therefore, by his own words, he should be in favor of the war in Iraq, not opposed.
When we attacked Iraq, Hussein was engaged in genocide? Hussein attacked the Kurdish people in 1988. We attacked Iraq in 1990. Are we suppose to attack them a second time for something he did in 1988?

And by the way, when Hussein committed genocide against innocent Iraqi civilians, he killed 50,000 people. Our attempt to "spread democracy (i.e. increase Halliburton stock prices)" has killed nearly twice that number.

See, this shit scares me more than any sand my pals ever could:

The Statement
At a presidential debate Tuesday, Oct. 7, in Nashville, Tennessee, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama criticized the health-care plan of Republican opponent Sen. John McCain. "In fact, just today, business organizations like the United States Chamber of Commerce, which generally are
pretty supportive of Republicans, said that this would lead to the unraveling of the employer-based health care system," Obama said.

Get the facts!

The Facts
McCain's health plan includes a $2,500 tax credit for individuals, or $5,000 for families, but also would end the tax-free status that employer-provided health plans currently have. The McCain campaign says that "families will be able to choose the insurance provider that suits them best and the money would be sent directly to the insurance provider."

Obama's comments appear to refer to an Oct. 7 New York Times article in which R. Bruce Josten, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's executive vice president for government affairs, called elements of McCain's health plan "very discomforting" to some in the business community. "The private marketplace, in my opinion, is ill-prepared today with an infrastructure for an individual-based health insurance system," he said in the article.

The article paraphrases officials from groups like the Chamber, the Business Roundtable and the National Federation of Independent Businesses saying that eliminating the income-tax exclusion would "accelerate the erosion of employer-sponsored health insurance and do little to reduce the number of
uninsured from 45 million."

Josten says there is a "huge question" whether the $2,500 for individuals or $5,000 for families would be enough to buy the same kind of coverage. According to the article, officials with eight business trade groups contacted by the Times predicted the McCain plan would raise costs and force some employers to stop providing health benefits.

Verdict: True. Obama accurately expresses the tone and content of the news article.

I'm not even calling this even anymore... McCain is kicking some ass.

"Can I mention that he didn't name the amount of the fine?"... This is how McCain should be handling everything. "Hey Obama, how about actually naming something you're gonna cut, how about giving numbers to your plans".

factcheck.org said:
McCain misstated his own health care plan and Obama’s in one sentence:

McCain: I am in favor of . . . giving every American a $5,000 refundable tax credit and go out and get the health insurance you want rather than mandates and fines for small businesses, as Sen. Obama's plan calls for.

McCain's plan does not call for giving a $5,000 tax credit for "every American." It calls for a tax credit of $2,500. The $5,000 figure would apply to couples or families. And Obama’s plan requires large businesses to provide coverage for their employees or pay into a national plan, not "small businesses," as McCain said. Obama's health care proposal, posted on his Web site, says: “Small businesses will be exempt from this requirement.” McCain previously used this charge in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, and he repeated the claim in the debate, saying, "If you're a small business person and you don't insure your employees, Sen. Obama will fine you. Will fine you." As we said, that's false. Obama countered that he had proposed a refundable tax credit for small businesses of up to 50 percent of the cost of premiums, which is indeed part of his plan. We've noted before that neither man defines what he means by "small business."
The argument about how Obama has voted against nuclear power and isn't a supporter pisses me off. It pisses me off because it's true, and I hope Obama has actually changed his mind and is in favour of it now. It also pisses me off because most dumb fucks are against it, and Obama probably doesn't want to lose their vote.
When we attacked Iraq, Hussein was engaged in genocide? Hussein attacked the Kurdish people in 1988. We attacked Iraq in 1990. Are we suppose to attack them a second time for something he did in 1988?

And by the way, when Hussein committed genocide against innocent Iraqi civilians, he killed 50,000 people. Our attempt to "spread democracy (i.e. increase Halliburton stock prices)" has killed nearly twice that number.


You are missing the point my friend. Iraqi conflict aside, "Barack America" said it was perfectly acceptable to storm in to a sovereign nation and lay down our humanitarian will in order to prevent acts of genocide. He regrets the lack of U.S action in Rwanda, and with unabated enthusiasm, like a baboon with a banana dangling before his mandible, is awaiting the authority to push the AU aside and meddle in Darfur. When is this nation building going to fucking end??! With McCain we'll continue down our path through the sands of Mesopotamia. Now Bacrock Obaboon on the other hand is going to storm through the ivory gates of Harare and spear Mugabe. This man is absolutely clueless about foreign policy, a bullshitter when it comes to energy, a schemer on the economy, and as red as a Siberian sunset.

J. the last thing this country needs is for either party to have full control of the legislative and executive branches. Didn't we have a big enough taste of that during the first 6 years of Bush's reign?! My friends, I hate to break it to you, but Obama is going to make Bush look like FDR by comparison.

It's amazing how different media outlets can have such differing poll results...

CNN is outsourcing their poll taking to ACORN.
So in your opinion there is no other reason aside from the four reasons you've listed that anyone would vote for Obama? Clearly I'm just voting for him because I'm a homeless black man who's ignorant of the issues and hates Republicans. I'm also representative of the majority of the country at the moment.

Yep, that describes the current situation accurately. :lol:

My friend, how many blacks do you think are watching the debates?!? Their minds were made up at the first hint of gnat inflicted gum disease.

Brotha: Ye man, he be authentic.
Brotha#2: I hear he hav a white mother.
Brotha: She be dead.

Then they all rise up and sing hymns of hope and carols of change.
TBH, I don't think negars would be able to decipher their Messiah's name on the ballot. It would be like reading Braille. It's those of us who are inflicted with white guilt, the college aged ignoramuses who think they are truly fighting the good fight, the water cooler hipsters who talk up Tina Fey like the second coming of Gilda Radner, the blogging bulbus who buys in to the doctored numbers and scathingly slanted pro lib editorials, and the dregs who believe that the government needs to hold our hand from cradle to grave... These my friend, are the people that I'm concerned with.

BTW - She's utterly adorable in that coat. Right Click, Save. <3
My friend, how many blacks do you think are watching the debates?!? Their minds were made up at the first hint of gnat inflicted gum disease.
Wow. Where to start.

Black Americans account for 12.1% of the U.S. population. It's estimated that between 8% and 12% of white Americans won't vote for a black candidate, based solely on skin color. So, even if black Americans vote in the manner in which so prejudicely stereotyped them, that vote is completely offset by the RiA faction.

The simple fact of the matter is, if the Democrats had a white candidate as engaging, charismatic and skilled a public speaker as Obama, McCain would have dropped out already. To argue that being black works to Obama's favor, in a general election, is beyond ridiculous.

She's utterly adorable in that coat.
Plus, if she owns a coat made from animal skin, that must make her a zoologist or a wildlife expert of some sort. Since I'm sure that coat isn't 100% animal skin, some sort of textile must have been used. Since she's an expert on all that enters her line of sight, I suspect this grants her some level of expertise on commodities and the stock market in general, and qualifies her to be Chairperson of the Federal Reserve.

Wow. Where to start.

Black Americans account for 12.1% of the U.S. population. It's estimated that between 8% and 12% of white Americans won't vote for a black candidate, based solely on skin color. So, even if black Americans vote in the manner in which so prejudicely stereotyped them, that vote is completely offset by the RiA faction.

Him being a filthy outdated farm animal is only one facet of his appeal my friend. See my friend, Obama is going to take this election for the very same reason why JFK toppled Nixon in 60'. Anybody watching at home is going to be googly eyed over a 40 something mulatto with pizazz, over an old fuddyduddy in his 70's who's laying out the cold hard facts. The American people, and more specifically the myspace generation, is more concerned with being chic, than weighing the pros and cons of both candidates. Contrary to what you would like to believe my friend, my support for McCain is not racially motivated. If it were, I would not even bother to listen to these debates, and would have simply showed up Nov. 4th to cast my vote for the white man.

Monkey vote + chic hipsters + raging liberals + media bias = Victory!

I'd venture to say that 1 out of 10 Obama supporters are actually following any of this. His sermons are preached to a blind and deaf fellowship.

Out of curiosity, what makes you want to vote for McCain? I don't want to know anything about how you dislike Obama, I'm more curious on the positions you think McCain is hitting perfectly.
The mainstream media somehow always has a liberal agenda, except when it's airing Swift Boat smear campaigns am i rite
BTW - She's utterly adorable in that coat. Right Click, Save. <3

Its probably a wolf she shot herself from a helicopter. THen watched it bleed to death. Metal.


Out of curiosity, what makes you want to vote for McCain? I don't want to know anything about how you dislike Obama, I'm more curious on the positions you think McCain is hitting perfectly.

He's not black.