Why do people call CoB an emo band?

My cousin girl who just turned 15 knows Death, but about Bodom she just said yuck. That's why I cut contact :lol: (Really, how fucking stupid is that? 14 year olds can't really like Death.) No, it's just that people who call Bodom emo don't understand metal (/music), and just listen to heavy stuff to appear somehow stronger in a primitive level of mind, and that's the truth. Inexperienced metal ears recognize the new heavier style of COB as good stuff while slam the older style (Hatebreeder & Follow the Reaper) as emo, but when they understand better they figure there's lots of detail in the older style that deserves respect.

My brother is 13 and likes Death :)
I think the term emo isn't really related to the music itself. I think it has more to do with clothing, make-up and attitude. So I won't take it as an offense to one of my favorite band if someone calls it ``emo``. I really couldn't care less if my favourite band dresses like gay cowboys as long as the music rocks.
this thread is about fans who worry about being/appearing emo because someone calls his or her fav band 'emo'. how emo is that?
this thread is about fans who worry about being/appearing emo because someone calls his or her fav band 'emo'. how emo is that?

No, this thread is about why people think bodom is emo...

read the topic next time bud :kickass:
maybe because the singer wears eye makeup and paints his nails,
besides that, they arent very good

And yet you waste your time posting on their fansite? :lol:

So wearing eye makeup and painting your fingernails makes you emo?? Wow.. then I guess KISS and King diamond are emo also huh? :lol:
My brother is 13 and likes Death :)

And what, does he say he's too old for COB :lol: All I'm saying is you usually need to have listened to a lot of metal to have developed to the point when you respect for example Death albums Symbolic and Individual Thought Patterns (except for the more commercial song Philosopher.) Listening to something just for the sake of being in like is lame. :lol: Then again maybe I'm wrong and 13 year olds actually do like this kind of metal.
No, this thread is about why people think bodom is emo...

read the topic next time bud :kickass:

so it is about you being worried that some people might think you're emo:lol:
i read the topic title, ''bud''

just like corny said, stop carying! and don't correct me, I got the topic but actually it's just about you being worried about your trveness