Why do people call CoB an emo band?

@snowy: No, I don't have a strange concept about outcasts, but people around me, especially the ones who know absolutely nothing about, let's say, "non-pop" music, they do. Actually, to be more precise, I have seen so many people who just classify these "non-ordinary" people either as emos or satanists. Because they probably have no clue about what either of them means. You will NEVER see someone who has the slightest idea about these two areas of music and the attached image/atmosphere, to call them or any other metal band so.
But maybe I just didn't express my view properly through the "outcast" term. :)
@snowy: No, I don't have a strange concept about outcasts, but people around me, especially the ones who know absolutely nothing about, let's say, "non-pop" music, they do. Actually, to be more precise, I have seen so many people who just classify these "non-ordinary" people either as emos or satanists. Because they probably have no clue about what either of them means. You will NEVER see someone who has the slightest idea about these two areas of music and the attached image/atmosphere, to call them or any other metal band so.
But maybe I just didn't express my view properly through the "outcast" term. :)

by saying ''non-ordinary'' people you mean just metal heads,right?. because i don't know anyone who is that stupid to call a punk or hippie or whatever a satanist :lol:
by saying ''non-ordinary'' people you mean just metal heads,right?. because i don't know anyone who is that stupid to call a punk or hippie or whatever a satanist :lol:
Something like that. You know, people call someone a satanist only when they have this really dark, 'do not talk to me' kind of creature, passive attitude and violent look. You get the picture. And ALL the others, including the CoB look, would go to the emo-punk category (again, ONLY for those who make this sort of labeling without having the slightest knowledge or information).
This is only one possible explanation. Because, again, musically and thematically, Bodom are everything but emo, to me.:)
That's just stupid. Blooddrunk is one of the most non-emo albums I've ever heard. :Smug:

I think it's because it falls dangerously close to "screamo" by definition...and them touring constantly with Trivium/As I Lay Dying doesn't help matters either.

Sad reality of it, but happened to In Flames during the R2R and Soundtrack years, they'll come back around to being loved by the "underground" metal community again.
They're not ''constantly touring with Trivium/AILD''. They've toured with Cannibal Corpse, Amon Amarth, Slayer, Lamb Of God, God Forbid, Ektomorf (they fucking sucked but whatever, not a trendy band at all :lol:), etc. True that they've toured once with Trivium and once with Slipknot, but if touring a couple of times with huge bands is such a crime to become hated and called emo then there's something epicly wrong in the mind of the metal comunity IMHO.
Sorry, but visual kei is not nearly the same as emo. Visual kei is just a look of the bands that goes "well" with the music they make... Also visual kei is not the same as j-rock because visual kei bands play just about any kind of music...

Yeah, it's kind of trend these days. Especially some of the '89-'94-onwards born people (mainly girls) are Japan-wannabes. It starts with this new shit they feed to kinds, Pokémon etc, next they pick up new things like bands, go for sushi, start learning some sentences of Japanese, smash geisha balls up their ass and voíla they're special..

This style works sometimes if it's occupied by credible people.
Yeah, it's kind of trend these days. Especially some of the '89-'94-onwards born people (mainly girls) are Japan-wannabes. It starts with this new shit they feed to kinds, Pokémon etc, next they pick up new things like bands, go for sushi, start learning some sentences of Japanese, smash geisha balls up their ass and voíla they're special..

This style works sometimes if it's occupied by credible people.

pokemon is old and asian food is delicious. and what's wrong with liking a country/culture or learing a language? tbh i think alexi fanbois are way more horrible.
or do you just talk about your ex ?
Well, lately (since Blooddrunk) CoB has been using razorblades in lyrics and t-shirts, so dunno if thats what caused assosiations to the emo culture...But ffs CoB is not not NOT an emo band !!!1 I know the emo assosiations started before Blooddrunk, and I frankly dont know wtf why... :erk: Alexis mascara or what!? :ill:
^Hatebreeder - Bed Of Razors?

Actuallly the self destructive and self harming thing has always been there, check e.g. TLAOD lyrics, so I don't think it's Blooddrunk's fault.

It's aimed at annoying the fans that's it. That's a sort of insult in rock/metal music nowadays :lol:

:lol: Yeah, kinda like that.

pokemon is old and asian food is delicious. and what's wrong with liking a country/culture or learing a language? tbh i think alexi fanbois are way more horrible.
or do you just talk about your ex ?

Alexi extreme fanbois are horrible, but I see nothing wrong with people like Mitch f.e. And I'm an Alexi fanboi also and people don't complain about me (or not here, I don't know if I'm thrashed over msn :lol:). But yeah, I get you, the ones who want to get the exact same t-shirt and get same tatoos and and try to ''become Alexi'' can be extremely annoying sometimes.
I don't think that it's got nothing to do with CoB's lyrics. Mostly people who call CoB emo are just so "true" and listen only "real" metal like 80's trash and undergroundbrutaldeathmetal or something. They just call every metal band that's more or less mainstream, emo, gay or something. I've seen people call Dimmu Borgir and Behemoth pop-metal, gay and emo. But I don't think that some people think CoB emo because of their lyrics, since those who call CoB emo, gay or anything, haven't even listened CoB much and definetly haven't bothered reading CoB's lyrics. It's just about Alexi's makeup and band's "mainstreamness" in my opinion.

my younger brother (15 years old) always tells me how "emo" CoB and Alexi is, because of his make-up. He never mentioned the lyrics. I think this is the main-point.

All the other people who call CoB "emo" mostly listen to their so called true-metal bands. I don't give a fuck if they hate me! or CoB.

And, btw, i call myself a fanboi, too. but i don't want to get every shirt he has been wearing or every tattoo.
I think ppl that claim CoB being an emo band havent really listenend to them very much, and just call them emo straight out their head coz of makeup and razors without knowing what emo is, or for that matter knowing what heavy metal really is :kickass: ...I dont think true emo ppl would call CoB emo...or really !?? Emo ppl are fckd up then ! lol As if we already didnt know that lol :Smokin: