Why do people call CoB an emo band?

cut contact or kill him, he's a liar :mad::mad::mad:


maybe because the singer wears eye makeup and paints his nails,
besides that, they arent very good

Says who? No wait, if you're telling me that you judge a band by the looks of the singer then don't reply, I don't care about what you have to say. :rolleyes:

And what, does he say he's too old for COB :lol: All I'm saying is you usually need to have listened to a lot of metal to have developed to the point when you respect for example Death albums Symbolic and Individual Thought Patterns (except for the more commercial song Philosopher.) Listening to something just for the sake of being in like is lame. :lol: Then again maybe I'm wrong and 13 year olds actually do like this kind of metal.

Nope, he likes Bodom too, and no he doesn't like them because he thinks it's cool. Actually in Spain listening to metal is the less cool thing you can do. Being a metalhead here is being a part of a reeeeally tiny minority.
so it is about you being worried that some people might think you're emo:lol:
i read the topic title, ''bud''

just like corny said, stop carying! and don't correct me, I got the topic but actually it's just about you being worried about your trveness

No, bud.


Apart from Lexi's glam inspired makeup and nail polish CoB's image not emo at all.

I do see why CoB could be considered emo lyrical wise. As said before Bed Of Razorz is a perfect example seeing as the chorus is about slitting your wrists... A bunch of lyrics from the first two albums have a suicidal tone to em seeing as Alexi was suicidal at the time (Cut himself often, wished he would die in a car crash, downing the pills/booze) Stuff on Bloodrunk touched on that abit to. "Degenerate blood drunk with a razor blade" Etc. Like I said. They are by no means emo but I can see why they are labeled as such.
I do see why CoB could be considered emo lyrical wise. As said before Bed Of Razorz is a perfect example seeing as the chorus is about slitting your wrists... A bunch of lyrics from the first two albums have a suicidal tone to em seeing as Alexi was suicidal at the time (Cut himself often, wished he would die in a car crash, downing the pills/booze) Stuff on Bloodrunk touched on that abit to. "Degenerate blood drunk with a razor blade" Etc. Like I said. They are by no means emo but I can see why they are labeled as such.

A huge part of COB's songs tell about self-destruction or depressed mental state. Especially those that Alexi composed when he was having issues (around Follow the Reaper) and later when he was having trouble with alcohol etc (around AYDY). Emo teenagers seeing a resemblance to themselves in it is irrelevant. Severe type of mental issues are not a trend, unlike emoism, and there's nothing funny about it. Emo's don't really feel like they wanna fucking die. And since the composer of COB's music happens to have dealt with serious mental issues himself, you can't say they're emo. I think it's more the general sound in their older material that makes the people who don't understand music think they're not "serious."