why do you listen to metal?

well i was sent to a christian skool so i wanted to piss off all the teachers, being an athiest at the time. so i traded a chillies cd for st anger, and went agro to that all over the place at skool. then i actually started to like 'tallica, and brought 'kill 'em all' and 'master". it all just went from there.

but yeah now my reasoning is that its the only music that feeds my anger and hate for shit, and i can really let loose with it.And apart from alt rock, i really cant feel any other music. like when i first heard 'disposable heros' i yelled fuck yeah and really ran with it. im not so willing to go ape shit over any other music.

well thats my story....

<i just realised that st anger isnt shit, its just different....>
etnies said:
well i was sent to a christian skool so i wanted to piss off all the teachers, being an athiest at the time. so i traded a chillies cd for st anger, and went agro to that all over the place at skool. then i actually started to like 'tallica, and brought 'kill 'em all' and 'master". it all just went from there.

but yeah now my reasoning is that its the only music that feeds my anger and hate for shit, and i can really let loose with it.And apart from alt rock, i really cant feel any other music. like when i first heard 'disposable heros' i yelled fuck yeah and really ran with it. im not so willing to go ape shit over any other music.

well thats my story....

<i just realised that st anger isnt shit, its just different....>

lol, me too bro. i was like "SAINT JEROME MOTHERFUCKER's mroe LIKE SAINT ANG3ER" and then i took the ol' nuns habit and shoved her face in the toilet and was like "YOU FLUSH IT DOWN YOU FLUSH IT DOWN!" then I continued: "THIS VULGATE WILL SMELL vulgar now that ist's COVERED IN SACRELIGIOUS wIZZ!" tlak about taking the piss...
I listen to it because I feel that it was the music of the Chozo's and since everyone knows that Link did indeed fuck Master Chief, that we must worship the ground that Pac-Man walks on, but not before that of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, because it was he who had slain the horrible man that was Mario.