why do you listen to metal?

MasterOLightning said:
Are you guys going to flame each other in every fucking thread?

I'd ban both of you if I had the power to.

What a shame you don't then. I'm just replying to the guy. Or are you happy for people to just wander in here and start flaming everyone that posts here?
Aye, you probably are, that's why I don't have any recollection of you good or bad.
Because it's brilliant, motivating, and crazy. I blast it when I want to release anger and when I want to piss certain people off. I blast it when I just want to hear loud as fuck music.
Haha I wonder what growing up listening to extreme Metal will do to a young child.

I think I listen to Metal because it's what I connect the most with. I mean, it's not all I listen to, but it's definetly 95%. It's just beautiful to me, and I like when beauty and brutality mix, etc.

Also, this isn't very dignified, but I have a thing for the typical Metal guy: long hair, some tattoo's, black clothing, guitars, and so forth. I dont' know how much that factors in to my liking of the music, however. It's difficult to say, though I know for a fact I'm not the kind of person that listens to a band just because I think the members are "hot", or anything like that.
Good question. I don't listen to any music for a reason except that it happens to be good music. To listen to something to give you energy or to dance or to be cool is all the same to me - it degrades the art to something to be used instead of an end in itself.