Win Vista DAW

After working in an auto factory for 13 years, one thing I've learned: Don't freak out over rumors until something actually happens. There's usually a big difference between what actually happens & what's being said.

All I can say is that Windows versions just get more and more bloated (Get those motherfucking printer drivers out of my motherfucking kernel!) so I'm just going to laugh when this gets my tech support odd jobs pulling in some real cash - already got three calls just from people who previously thought they knew their shit and put on the beta. It still makes my heart laugh.

Oz, that may be true in most cases, but keep in mind that this is Microsoft here - the shady, slimy used car dealer that weasels his way into every computer deal ever - and they're putting in so many untested features (so many of their security protocols are outright thefts of other works, with a few changes made for cosmetic purposes - but even those can ruin security, as people who see all of the Critical Updates know) and inefficient reworkings of everything from open-source gadgets to Apple GUIs that it's basically like making the airbags out of condoms, the carbruetor being a coffee machine, and the gas pedal being that goddamn paper clip that always wants to make sure you're reading the speedometer right.

The biggest downside to swtiching to Vista right away is all the bugs. The first release always sucks, it'll be patched and updated. Ie:sp1 to whatever it takes to fix it. at least XP has been around long enough to have it's bugs worked out and is somewhat stable. Everthing i've read said the performance gains benefit the gamers more, mostly because of the DirectX 10 driver.

and why are Mac guys so cocky? The mac vs pc bitching is like 2 rednecks talkin' about who wins more NASCAR: ford or chevy :yuk:
If Windows were cars when you hit the breaks at 200Km/h it would show you a blue screen and REBOOT!

If windows were a car every time the steering or radio stopped working, all you would have to do is pull over turn off your car then restart your car and everything would work again: and you would just accept that as normal.

If windows were a car: Every so often you would just crash.

If mac were a car: Every time they came out with a new car, they would have to repave all the roads cause none of the old roads would be drivable.

If mac were a car: They would release a computer that ran faster, was more efficent on gas, and stylistically looked better. But you could only drive them on 5% of the roads.
shouldnt the argument be OS X vs. Windows? since all youre basically arguing about is the Operating System.

Whatever anyway, some people prefer PC's some prefer Mac's, stop getting your knickers in a twist about what people use.
I think the arguement is OS X vs Winblow$. My biggest beef with Windows is that it constantly crashes and I always seem to have problems with virus software (not that its Microsoft's fault). However, I have yet to encounter any problems at all with my Mac. Plus OS X is easier to use and customize.
It's weird, I rarely have any problems at all with my PC, yet I see endless mac problems and it always takes ages to figure out what's going on. I figure anyone is just going to work best with whichever system they're used to or find easier. I suck on macs, I'll openly admit it, but most of the stuff that scary mac fanatics complain about isn't a problem to serious PC users either. True awesomeness will be when everything comes out cross platform and compatible, so no-one will have to worry about what anyone uses but themself :)
My XP has NEVER crashed except when i tried to install a newply purchased gigastudio.

Crashed till i wiped the harddrive and kept the disc as far from my PC as i could.

I like both Windows and OSX.

I however wanna say:

Fuck tascam.
GuitargodGT, biggest hole in Windows security you're going to find is Internet Exploder. Second biggest hole in Windows security is basically that its default security settings are basically a big glass display case that says 'Please don't smash the glass with this hammer conveniently placed directly over the glass and supported only by a small arrangement of twigs and mud that could very easily be disrupted and cause a catastrophic failure even if you don't mean to'.

I agree that we should be arguing Windows vs Mac OS because the only beef most people have with PC is the fucking operating system - apart from that, you have so many more options because there aren't legal protections to fuck and back on the licensing of PC hardware, you're able to tweak a hell of a lot more because Macs do also suffer, on occasion, from the 'protect the user from functionality that he may use to blow the computer up' syndrome, you don't have to worry about anything running non-natively on Intel (you know, that FUCKING PROCESSOR THAT WASN'T THE ELECTRONIC EQUIVALENT OF 'LET'S PLAY PAINT THE TURD!'), et cetera - and the only thing still going for Windows is essentially inertia.

If Vista is only a third of the bitch it's supposed to turn out to be, solely judging by Microsoft 'fact sheets' and even the nicest of inside testing, it's still going to be the computer market equivalent of napalm in the playground and it wouldn't be surprising to see it eventually divide the camps into 'I'm going to fucking Mac/Linux/that dusty slide rule' and 'I'm convinced that no matter how ridiculous and dysfunctional this turns out to be it'll still be in my best interest to keep using Windows because... durm, well... I'm... already using it, and so are a lot of people, so it must be right'. It looks like it'll be a cross between Big Brother and Bubble Boy when it comes out if any indication may have been given by any product testing seen up until now.

Again, as I always do because I'm an obsessive bastard and somewhat of a computer nerd, I'd like to take this opportunity to say that Linux has all of the stability you get from Mac OS (and then some... keep in mind that the reason OS X is as great as it is happens to be that it is UNIX-type) and there's a version for any PC/Mac/toaster oven that you may already be running, it's free, and it doesn't treat you like a fucking baby who can't understand basic computer operations like its competitors seem to.

GuitargodGT, biggest hole in Windows security you're going to find is Internet Exploder. Second biggest hole in Windows security is basically that its default security settings are basically a big glass display case that says 'Please don't smash the glass with this hammer conveniently placed directly over the glass and supported only by a small arrangement of twigs and mud that could very easily be disrupted and cause a catastrophic failure even if you don't mean to'.

I agree that we should be arguing Windows vs Mac OS because the only beef most people have with PC is the fucking operating system - apart from that, you have so many more options because there aren't legal protections to fuck and back on the licensing of PC hardware, you're able to tweak a hell of a lot more because Macs do also suffer, on occasion, from the 'protect the user from functionality that he may use to blow the computer up' syndrome, you don't have to worry about anything running non-natively on Intel (you know, that FUCKING PROCESSOR THAT WASN'T THE ELECTRONIC EQUIVALENT OF 'LET'S PLAY PAINT THE TURD!'), et cetera - and the only thing still going for Windows is essentially inertia.

If Vista is only a third of the bitch it's supposed to turn out to be, solely judging by Microsoft 'fact sheets' and even the nicest of inside testing, it's still going to be the computer market equivalent of napalm in the playground and it wouldn't be surprising to see it eventually divide the camps into 'I'm going to fucking Mac/Linux/that dusty slide rule' and 'I'm convinced that no matter how ridiculous and dysfunctional this turns out to be it'll still be in my best interest to keep using Windows because... durm, well... I'm... already using it, and so are a lot of people, so it must be right'. It looks like it'll be a cross between Big Brother and Bubble Boy when it comes out if any indication may have been given by any product testing seen up until now.

Again, as I always do because I'm an obsessive bastard and somewhat of a computer nerd, I'd like to take this opportunity to say that Linux has all of the stability you get from Mac OS (and then some... keep in mind that the reason OS X is as great as it is happens to be that it is UNIX-type) and there's a version for any PC/Mac/toaster oven that you may already be running, it's free, and it doesn't treat you like a fucking baby who can't understand basic computer operations like its competitors seem to.


OH I do not think this is a mac vs pc debate, I think this is a OSX vs Windows debate. It just ends up being a PC vs mac debate because of what 99% of them us OS wise. BTW kudos on linux not gonna knock that os.
Yeh, my PCs online. If you run around the internet like a total retard with no idea how to use your PC (like most home PC users) you are of course going to get righteously buttf*cked. However, if you don't click the "Yes, please fill my computer with spyware" box you don't tend to have a problem :)