Stymphalian Productions
God damn, this is a weird feeling, its like being locked away and being set loose in a huge music warehouse 20 years later. Everythings comes at once! Insane stuff.
Amott's new signature = uke: ... Damn, what a shame.
Fuck shark tooth inlays! Can't stand that shit Offset dots FTW.
I know this is a bit on the cheap side - but I'm actually really digging these new Epiphone TBirds
I love Thunderbirds, but hated that there was no mid-grade. Either cheap entry level, or Gibson.
The word is that the Schecter 8 will be in that cherry finish only...in which case I say fuck that, the LTD FM-408 is much more appealing than the black cherry HellRaiser C8...for me anyway
That small Ampeg is going to find it's way into my possession, that's fo sho. $299 MSRP, probably $200 or $230 or something retail. I 'ed.
the new 6505:
I wonder if the new 6505 comes with NAS and 20" chrome spinners.