...the Beast V...don't get me wrong i like BC Rich but ...ermmm uke:
It's Jed Simon who is the Mesa endorsee.
And all the recent SYL and DTB stuff has been Mesa AFAIK (CERTAINLY the most recent 3 SYL albums, as well as Ziltoid and Synchestra)
DSS3 said that it was just used for scratch tracks and rehearsals on Synchestra, and a Rectifier was what made it on the album, which I have no trouble believing from the sound - and while I don't have Alien, on SYL and The New Black there is no way those tones are anything but straight up Rectifier. I've heard songs from "Alien," of course, it's just I can't be quite as sure as with the other two.
You know what tho...if we can avoid mudflap girls we are at least in improved territory.Haha, the droopy sack motif strikes again - looks pretty boring
Haha, the droopy sack motif strikes again - looks pretty boring