Winter NAMM 09! (new gear porn)

Wow at that Faceless guitar player video :O, pretty good!! In spite of some little mistakes here and there, but otherwise flawless!! I really dig the atmosphere these guys bring to their songs, the type of soloing that's done, really interesting!

btw, has anyone got photos of markbass pedals?! GAS is coming back :[
Yeah, the pre on the svt is tube, I don't really care for the power amp as I plan on going direct + maybe ampec svx cab
Nuno amp looks amazing. I'm also confused about the new signature Devin Peavey stuff...

I'm confused about Devin's lack of hair. Maybe I'm late for the party on this one, but what happened to the legendary skullet?!?
Devin hasn't updated his website in ages. I think he's focusing on being a father, and taking some downtime from his hectic schedule. And that's about all I know, I am looking forward to any new music he might be working on, I own every CD he's put out.
Just to chime in my Bugera 333 is still workin' like a champ...

The 1960 looks interesting, a JTM45 clone? Hellz yea. And an Ampeg clone, this shit is awesome! :lol:

I'm ashamed because I almost want to get them.


My Bugera 6260 is still going strong as well. I really enjoy the tones you can pull from it. I don't see it as any lesser of an amp then any of the others in my collection.

I plan on trying all four new models out.
Devin played a 20 minute show at NAMM showcasing his new Budda amp and 4 songs from his upcoming album, Ki.

He posts about it on his forum all the time these days, just gotta dig a bit!

I knew it wouldn't take him long to put out more music...It's in his blood..... Can't wait to hear some new stuff!
Well, so are SVT3 Pro, SVT4 Pro, and the Fender I mentioned ;) All the praised metal bass amps are solid state.

Solid state power amps, that is.

The SVT4 and SVT3 Pro are both hybrid... The SVT3 actually uses 5 preamp tubes. IMO pure solid state bass heads suck ass for the most part compared to hybrid (my favorite) or fully tubed heads which have too many tubes!
Just got back home from NAMM. Driving was a bad idea, but it was well worth it. Lots of fun, plus I met this guy:
