Winter NAMM 09! (new gear porn)

yeah bro... that beard's a little on the thin side to be that long, lol.... not enough viking, sorry man
Haha, I'm surprised that guys on a metal forum are advocating for the cutting of a beard. J the TyranT, the beard isn't as thin as you think. If anything, the front doesn't get as bunched up as it does beneath the chin, so it looks a little thin along the edges in the picture. I could model and photograph it at different angles if you would like me to provide illustration for my argument, but... Nah.
Here's what Devin says:

Devin said:
Yo guys!

Thanks for all the support over the past few months, it's been great talking to you all.

Namm was brutal. We were snowed in here in Vancouver and had a total of 3 rehearsals for the show. I met tons of folks from my past that very obviously didn't want me in the 'club' anymore. It was 2 days that felt like a week. Fucking punishing.

The show was not the best thing I've done, nor did it represent the tunes super well. While I was on stage all I could think was 'my god...I'm a dad. What the hell am I doing up here?'

I start the record again today. I think this record is beautiful. I am going to sell a shitload of gear soon (next month) so I'll tell you when there's a list (not to buy, we're all broke) but maybe to tell you rich uncle about. :) I'm also getting rid of some cheap stuff too though...pedals, tshirst, posters etc.

Strangely, I feel really really strong and really good. I have come back with much fewer questions than when I left. Peavey are brilliant folks as well. Love those guys.

Ki is a great record, LA still sucks, it was the first time I hung out in a weed filled hotel room in 3 years, listening to guys with perms loudly talk of their achievements so dumb girls in gstrings could overhear so they could mate in the shitter later.

I ran into Gene and his friends but I was unfortuantely kind of upset and I think they probably thought I blew them off. Lots of situations like that actually. I seem to have forgotten how to relate.

Good to be home, I have an immense amount of bills to pay in the next 3 weeks, so back at it!

Just got back home from NAMM. Driving was a bad idea, but it was well worth it. Lots of fun, plus I met this guy:


ha, with that fluffy hair Andy looks a bit like Peter Weihe ;)