
Was just reading that the main cat behind this shit has been grifting his fans for half a dozen years by asking for patreon donations for an album that will never come to be. Dude shouldve did the sensible thing and Blaked his base with some unscrupulous shipments of non-existent rarities.

What a sham. Dont be a paypig kids. Definitely not towards some work aversed artist playing nitro power metal. Ish lack balls and moral fiber. Youre better off giving your kopecks to a refugee of CHAZ to set up a vegetable garden. Paypigging for fantasy pussy is one thing, paypigging for fantasy metal is an entirely different animal.


i've been kind of following this trainwreck for the lols, it's unbelievable

the absolute fucking nerve of this guy jari, jesus what an insufferable toolbag

and yet i can't avert my eyes, probably because he's like the embodiment of some of my own absolute worst tendencies (obsessive perfectionism, focusing on meaningless details instead of getting shit done, giving people bullshit excuses when you're caught with your pants down lying, etc) that i have worked hard to get rid of, but he has instead decided to amplify them by a factor of a thousand

it's like alternate universe me and i want to punch him in his dumb finnish face
the kicker is: your songwriting is mediocre as fuck with or without 5000 layers of vst orchestration

it's all just dumb glossy bullshit that means nothing
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i dont shit about wintersun. but i remember people were clamoring for the 2nd album and then when its finally released, it blows.

big fucking LOL
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I bought that album for $20 and it fucking sucks.

Didn't know the story until later. The lol is on me.
I was at a comic convention and usually amidst all the nerdery and bookery and cosplayboobery, Nuclear Blast sets up a booth as well. That's where all the Metal Peeps will gravitate to at some point of course (I bought a Pharaoh Eddie action figure from the booth next to them one year), and this particular time perusing their wares I came across the latest Wintersun album.

"Hmm, that's some fancy packaging, and very vibrant coloUrs! Oooh and it's a concept album about the seasons, I always fall for that gimmick. Ah what the hell, I never buy modern metal, and I'm feelin' the buzz of a con, so why not give them $20 worth of Amerobucks?!"

Some day I'll learn. But not today. Nor any time soon.

This may be the most embarrassing video I have EVER seen. Blake Judd's Gugsian UPS Delivery Scams have nothing on these grifters. :erk:

@einride, The youngest band member bears an uncanny resemblance to you bro. :eek: