Jeff Buckley

Listened to "Grace" this weekend. Can't say I liked it. While I respect the guy's creativity, and the intense emotion with which he sings, I just don't like his voice. Truth be told, I find it somewhat annoying. There are certain tracks that are better than others, but overall, not something I would want to listen to over and over again.

HarmonyDies.... said:
Did you get the one with the bonus tracks? because Gunshot Glitter is one of his most beautiful tracks ever.
Don't know. I'll have to look when I get home.

Zod - don't you like a lot of annoying prog bands? ;)
J. said:
Zod - don't you like a lot of annoying prog bands? ;)
LOL. Perhaps.

When it comes to music, the one thing I just can't get past is vocals. If I don't like the vocals, I just can't listen to the music. Jeff's voice is just too high and too nasal/whiny (hard to tell which). Regardless, it has a characteristic that just doesn't appeal to me. It's a shame too, because the music and his approach have a really cool vibe.

In all honesty, there are times on Grace that I cringe at, yes. I know exactly what you mean. Sketches is actually better in this regard, as there are few times, if any, that I cringed.

Buckley does have a high-pitched voice. I didn't get the whiny vibe, nasally, yeah at times.

Usually, I would never listen to this type of music, and I actually didn't expect to like it as much as I do, but in this case the awesome musicianship and full-on emotion takes precedence over any minor problems I have with the vocals.
His voice, or rather the notes he uses. It's really freeform or something. I guess interesting would have been a better word than weird.
Glad you like it. I've been listening to his stuff nonstop for a few days, trying to choose what song to use at my wedding for our first dance. So far, it's between "Everybody Here Wants You" and "We Could Be So Happy Baby (If We Wanted to Be)". THe only thing is, in the latter song, some of the lyrics are questionable, like:

We Shared a birthplace in common
We had separate beds and lives

????? ANyone care to explain? Or I could just tell the DJ to cut the song off before that part.
So is Jeff Buckley a Christian or not? I'm certainly getting a strong sunday school vibe to Grace. EVen the song titles are little suspect: "Corpus Christi Carol", "Grace", "Hallelujah", "Eternal Life"....etc.

Or am I just asking the fucken obvious? Damn, I really walked into this one. :tickled:
My mom likes this guy a lot. Also, Katatonia covered one of his songs: "Nightmares by the Sea." Good stuff. His voice is definitely a step or two above your average joe :loco: