WOMAN!: if there's 1 for the men, there's gotta be 1 for women

LOL! Actually when I first glanced at the CD insert of Follow The Reaper I thought Avril Levighn. Have you ever seen that guy gone grizzley, I mean full blown beard.. jesus, now thats sexy LOL!!! (jk)
Yeah...so sexy that i want to caress and hold. Then maybe tie it in two braids. j/k I think he sometimes shaves it and sometimes doesn't. In one pic i see hairy legs, in another i don't.
LOL, you have studied that very well, you should get a degree in Alexi Laiho Anatomy. ROFL you should braid his beard though when he gets one!!

He’ll look like a little Alexi Viking!
ha, then he just needs one of those viking hats with the blond long braids. It'll match with his beard. LOL. I don't need a degree in Alexi Laiho anatomy. I already have him. :)
LOL, you already have him?!? Doesnt he have a girlfriend in Finland.

It's a good thing he'll have a beard so no one will mistake him as a little viking baby, of course he'll kick anyone's ass (including mine) in the ways of shred.
I have him in my mind, my heart, my world! LOL. Pffff...what girl in Finland?! Stop making fun of Janne. That's his bf. LOL.

I can imagine it now....Viking Laiho!
awww, that was so sweet *Tear* you really are meant for him ...

Janne aint Bf he's a gf, you're going to out key-shred him in order for you to claim yo man!

LOL, he is a viking! I wonder if he'll ever do movies, I'm thinking a comedy =D
Yeah, i know. *sniffles*

No, when we have a threesome i show Alexi what i can do. hehe

He can't be an actor. For fuck's sake, he can't even remember his own lyrics!
LOL on *sniffles*

LOL, hopfully he won't focus too much attention on Janne ROFL! jk that'll be a little questionable. But it's alexi!

ROFL!!! Thats why it's so funny and he should be in a comedy.
Ooooh, so you question Alexi's sexuality? I say he's a bi. He'll love both of us! :)

A comedy, where he makes up his own lines! It'll all be improvised. hey, if the show sux, we'll get to see his hotness.
Lol, I say he's striaght ...i think.

Yeah, OMG like who's line is it anyway? that would be so funny, and we'd get him drunk just before he goes on it.
LOL< ok, I already posted those two pics already ..one of which contain gay behavior, lOL I have a better shot with Laiho then you do, but it be like kissing a mirror, super un-cool *SIGH
shave the balls its Gr1m and tr00

i shave mine :cool:
try nair. it shouldn't itch or anything... i think guys use it more than girls actually.

but there's no problem with trimming. i wonder what most women prefer?
i used Nair a few times before, and it burned and sizzled my skin like a motherfucker. left me bright red and didn't do what it was supposed to.

i'm neutral on shave vs. trim cause i don't bother with coming in contact with male specimen anymore.
me two. everyone should shave their privates regardless of gender.
question- do you ever get wicked razor burn from it? i think, in general, i have THE most razor and Nair-sensitive skin ever.
What kind of guy shaves their legs????!
some swimmers shave everything to keep weight resistance to a minimum.