Workout Music Thread

High reps at lower weight (not retardedly low) = hypertrophy, low reps and high weight = power, as far as I know 5x5 is used in a strength buiding program.

I believe that is correct.

Btw, your signature is disgusting :erk:

I thought it was Altitudes and was basically like "OH WOW WHAT A FAGGOT VEGETARIAN CUNT ASFJ:LKFJL:FJDLF:" :p


Not all vegetarians are hipsters, homosexuals, or anorexic women, probably most are though... haha.

Is Altitudes even a vegetarian either?

1.5 years now :)
He probably doesn't even like Malmsteen >8(

Why? I enjoy donuts as much as anyone else.

My upper body strength is fucking pathetic, I can bench like 120? 150? Never tried to max since I am a loner in the gym but I am fucking pathetic at doing pulls/chins, tried with an at home one you mount on the doorframe... couldn't get even one properly... I was so ashamed I returned it

Same with me about benching, even though I have improved alot in the last 6 months. I never max out, I always do a high amount of reps at a reasonable weight. I am much better at doing pullups, and I do situps before I go to bed at night. I still look fucking pathetic and skinny :lol: But I'm improving.
I used to bench with my roommates, and they would spot me. I work out alone now though, and I've gotten used to what my limits feel like.
Havn't worked out at all in two weeks though, been sick :/
Lets see, I'm 185lb. My bench is stuck at 200lb, military shoulder press is at 115lb, alternating bi curl 40-45lb as far as back i'll deadlift maybe 225lb. my back sometimes wont cooperate. Here's some good advice though, a bit of a laugh too.

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Lets see, I'm 185lb. My bench is stuck at 200lb, military shoulder press is at 115lb, alternating bi curl 40-45lb as far as back i'll deadlift maybe 225lb. my back sometimes wont cooperate. Here's some good advice though, a bit of a laugh too.

The part about leg pressing made me laugh because there's a group of people at my gym who are just like that; They load the machine with a million plates and only go about 5-6 inches deep :lol:

Everything he says is true though, you gotta do what feels right, and good form is always better than lots of weight. Never compromise form for weight.
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Wtf are you saying? :lol: High reps at lower weight (not retardedly low) = hypertrophy, low reps and high weight = power, as far as I know 5x5 is used in a strength buiding program.

5x5 is an excellent set/rep scheme for hypertrophy. The problem with simply doing higher rep sets is that you're forced to use less weight, which in turn = less % of muscle fibres recruited. Of course greater load also means less reps performed though, so the advantage of something like 5x5 is that you use a pretty heavy load and still get in 25 overall reps due to increased sets/volume. Compare that to doing 3x8 (a very common set/rep scheme) where you are doing 24 total reps but with a lighter load.

Omgguize here is my 405-lbs. Deadlift @ bodyweight of 161 lbs:

Also, on-topic to OP of thread: I listen to Dragon Ball Z (Bruce Faulconer/Funimation dub) music sometimes at the gym.
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Omgguize here is my 405-lbs. Deadlift @ bodyweight of 161 lbs:

Also, on-topic to OP of thread: I listen to Dragon Ball Z (Bruce Faulconer/Funimation dub) music sometimes at the gym.

That's awesome man. Wish I could do deadlifts and/or rack pulls :( I inured my lower back last year and haven't been able to do any heavy deadlifts or rack pulls since.
I should get that checked out :p

That first guy is a friend of mine. The bastard is only 18 :lol: Makes me jealous how strong he is. Started off as a bodybuilder, then he got into power lifting and now he's a strongman. Won the title for UK's strongest under 18 last year.

And here's a video he posted last night:

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I'm listening to whatever music the gym plays. Usually shit, but I can't be bothered to bring my own music.
There are 3 basic ways of working out:

-Grow muscle (size): low reps (3-5) with about 65-70% of the maximum weight you can lift. Do 3-4 times.

-Strengthen muscle (strength): somewhere between 8-12 reps with 35-45% of the maximum weight you can lift. Do 3-4 times.

-Define/shape muscle (beauty): 15 reps onwards with very low weight, 20% or so of the maximum weight you can lift. Do minimum 3-4 times, and not more than 8, it's really low weight but will still fuck up your tendoms and all in the long run.

Apply to whichever muscle you're trying to work, doesn't matter if it's bench press, biceps curl, triceps, back...

And now on to what each means:

If you want the shape, if you want to become one of those ugly ass culturists with shape but not even half the strength they apparently have, then work with the first routine as far as you want to develop your muscles and then go for the last one to "polish" them.

If you want to get fit and get useful muscles, do either the one in the middle or a combination of that one and the one on top if you want to gain a bit of muscle, but mainly the one in the middle, because that's the one that will give you strength.

If you don't care about your muscles being uself and you just want to look at the mirror and see veins and what look like really tight muscles, or you're already strong but want to give those muscles some more defined shape, then go for the last one.

That doesn't mean that doing the first one you don't gain strength, of course you do, but not properly and not all your muscles could develop, just the extra bit you get by having some extra fibres on. If your muscles are already the size you'd want them/feel you like them, then just focus on the one on the middle, that one'll strengthen those muscles, give them all the power they can have and, also, provide a bit of volume, some extra fibres, but basically strengthen them.
With dumbells I only use ridiculously tiny ones because I'm small and weak, but they're around 70-80% of the weight I can lift (I think? :S) I do two sets of 20 reps for biceps and two sets of 20 for triceps, along with an extra set of 40 reps for biceps at the end. What does that do for biceps/triceps in conjunction with four sets of 10 on the cable crossover and four sets of the pull-down machine?
With dumbells I only use ridiculously tiny ones because I'm small and weak, but they're around 70-80% of the weight I can lift (I think? :S) I do two sets of 20 reps for biceps and two sets of 20 for triceps, along with an extra set of 40 reps for biceps at the end. What does that do for biceps/triceps in conjunction with four sets of 10 on the cable crossover and four sets of the pull-down machine?

What will 80 reps for biceps do? Over-train them.
With dumbells I only use ridiculously tiny ones because I'm small and weak, but they're around 70-80% of the weight I can lift (I think? :S) I do two sets of 20 reps for biceps and two sets of 20 for triceps, along with an extra set of 40 reps for biceps at the end. What does that do for biceps/triceps in conjunction with four sets of 10 on the cable crossover and four sets of the pull-down machine?

Nº1: if you're doing two sets of 20 reps, then there's no way it's 70% of what you can lift. You're probably working around the 20-30% of the total.

Nº2: what that kind of routine (a lot of reps with low weight) is doing is make your muscles more "stylish", polish them if you will, but not really giving you strength. And as Joe said, with that many, particularly if you do the same thing every day, you're overworking your muscles and you'll eventually fuck them up.