Worst Bodom cover in the history of covers

hahaha anyone else notice how everyone who defends AYDY and makes a huge point of it. has made an account within the past month. probably also wear girl pants and put on their moms makeup.

hey hey..not EVERYONE. i dont mind aydy and dont wear girls pants and make up. although i dont stay awake at night because there are people who dont like aydy like some people probly do.
well it would not be sooooooooo bad if the guitarist and the keyboarder would play in the same key
Lobo said:
what is wrong with you?..im sure you only heard Bodom since they went abit mainstream

I can ask you the same. Do you belong to these people who are thinking that good Metal music has to be "underground"? AYDY is too much commercial for all the old fans... just the word "commercial" is too much, isn´t it?
I don´t wanna argue with you, but do not treat me like a pussi only because you are an older fan...
WTF man
isn't this topic about that crappy cover???? everyone is fuckin talkin about AYDY and stuff, if u dont fuckin like AYDY just keep it to yourself, there is no need to keep sayin it, and if u really like it stop being such an ass and stop defendin it whenever someone says something bad about it.
now, there is a topic about AYDY, so f u wanna talk about it just go on that, dont start wreakin other topics.