Worst Guitar solo ever heard?


Dec 20, 2004
For me, i have 2 that tie, Slipknot - Dont get close: that solo is just laughable, and Porcupine tree - Deadwing: sure it holds the feeling of the song but gimme a break, that solo just...sucks!
There was this local band... I forgot their name (for good reason) and I just recall their guitarist was pedantic about his tone. We ran him through a Mesa and Marshall and various cabs and we just kept going around in circles with his tone.

Anyway, when it came time to do his solos.. it was just fucking horrible. I'm an honest believer that you should only improvise your solos if you know how to fucking do it properly... and there's not many that can, this guy being one of them. They were the ugliest... wailing cacophony of sound I've ever heard. Off-note bends... no phrashing whatsoever, just playing in rhythmic tempo to the riff, randomly chosen notes along the pentatonic scale... just total shit.
HaloPhenomenon said:
dont you get it? the deadwing solo is chaos by purpose, steven wilson is the master of melodies and harmonies..

Thats pretty much what i DID say. It holds the feeling off the song, cuz the song is all trippy, and the solo is all trippy, but the solo just kinda.....whats the word? oh yeah sucks.
every solo made by any hardcore/emo/screamo/punk band ever.....lol...and Seasons in The Abyss is a sick solo!...not really talented guitarists...but the solos still sound cool
Moonlapse said:
Anyway, when it came time to do his solos.. it was just fucking horrible. I'm an honest believer that you should only improvise your solos if you know how to fucking do it properly... and there's not many that can, this guy being one of them. They were the ugliest... wailing cacophony of sound I've ever heard. Off-note bends... no phrashing whatsoever, just playing in rhythmic tempo to the riff, randomly chosen notes along the pentatonic scale... just total shit.

hey, i think... yeah... yes! you just made me happy :)

wankerness said:
Here's the worst guitar solo ever recorded:


The band's called "Free" and the song is called "Wishing Well" and this is a live recording.

Here's the worst 'guitar solo' ever:



Craptastic! :)