Worst name for metal band

The religious meaning for W.A.S.P. does mean White Anglo Saxon Protestant. Blackie said that when he named the band WASP it was becuz of the insect that will sting you to death and that they threw the .'s in just for the religious meaning to fuck with people.
Originally posted by Deatheadrummer
The religious meaning for W.A.S.P. does mean White Anglo Saxon Protestant. Blackie said that when he named the band WASP it was becuz of the insect that will sting you to death and that they threw the .'s in just for the religious meaning to fuck with people.

What about We Are Satan's People?
WASP does not stand for we are satans people regardless of what mindless goober dubbed that. No more so than KI$$ meaning Knights In Satan's Service or AC/DC meaning Anti Christ Devils Children or whatever other lame meaning people come up with. It was merely a ploy from the PMRC to try and ruin the band is all.
By the way, I love Pissing Razors. Maybe they sound a little too similar to Skinlab and Pantera at times but they're a kicking band.
Cradle of Filth is a pretty dumb name, in my opinion.

Satan's Penguins. They are joke black metal, so i guess they tried to make it sound stupid :)

Anorexia Nervosa. The name speaks for itself.

Meshuggah is a dumb name, and i can't stand that band...

Rotting Christ. Some people just try too hard to sound "evil"

Gorelord. Unorigional.
Originally posted by Iced_LacunaWish
Cradle of Filth is a pretty dumb name, in my opinion.

Satan's Penguins. They are joke black metal, so i guess they tried to make it sound stupid :)

Anorexia Nervosa. The name speaks for itself.

Meshuggah is a dumb name, and i can't stand that band...

Rotting Christ. Some people just try too hard to sound "evil"

Gorelord. Unorigional.

Fuck man. You need to lighten up. :lol:
The band I'm in Deathead has taken alot of shit for our name until we explain what it means and then people kinda back off a little bit. Before you ask it means "A symbol of mortality, especially a human skull."
I think Death and Cannibal Corpse is an awesome name for bands.......

See, music in the 80's was about music,and not a name. Same goes for todays death/progressive metal..... Edge Of Sanity is about as easy as you can think of, but greatness is heard.

All these nu-metal bands have shitty names....
How about:
CHINCHILLA ...now, who the HELL wants to name his/her metal band after a fuckin' rodent?

Also a bunch of bands with stolen Tolkien names would definitely qualify for the Kraft Dinner award:


The next thing I wanna see is SAM GAMGEE...now that would be just pathetic