Worst purchase/Disappointment

I love mastodon's leviathon

Why oh why do people keep getting In flames. the last 2 cds have sucked and they want to sound like american bands now.:ill:

I actually enjoy the new megadeth!!

I guess I really didn't have a bad purchase at this year's progpower as I made a good written list of the ones I researched well enough and I just knew I would like.

No band surprises me anymore. I don't download but I won't buy until I have heard some of it.
Angrafan said:
I will give it another chance :) I bought so many new CDs, haven't got time to listen to it all carefully...

It's definitely one that grows on you. It was the first one I ever heard - I remember getting it on tape when it first came out. They certainly changed over the years, but I like all the stuff I have by them.
Heavenly Call said:
New Balance of Power....HUGE disappointment from a pretty die hard Balance of Power fan. I've now given it 4 listens...I'm afraid it will soon be place in the collection likely never to return to the player again.

Mike...... calm down.... it's ok. He didn't mean it. :loco: Remember to take your medication....

Kai-Guy said:
The fucking 'Metal Blast from the Past' dvd from Accept! I had been looking forward to this purchase for a while--but when they decide to do a 'voice over/interview' during the song Breaker on the concert portion of the dvd--plus other parts of the show--that blew it for me! Damnit!!

I thought the DVD was awesome !! They did put in some interviews in a bad place and even talked over the beginning of a couple of videos, but to get that classic stuff plus those demos etc. was great. Despite a few things that ticked me off, I thought it was a killler purchase.

I'll get flamed for this. Fuck it.

I was... um... treated? to seeing Mastodon live. I've never HATED a live performance so much since seeing Black Dahlia Murder open up for Symphony X and Blind Guardian. The worst part of that show, was everyone in Detroit was genuinely booing BDM and considering the bands, they sure weren't there to hear a really amateur death metal/hardcore band. Especially one with no stage presence! Fuckin stared at the ground and their instruments their whole show. We really treated em like shit. The heckling between songs was Grade A. And when I saw Mastodon, it wasn't even heckling... it was an entire crowd staring and thinking... "This is the most boring shit ever!"

But for purchases... at Prog Power IV I bought HammerFall's Crimson Thunder. Now, I've got a BIG grudge against this Anders drumming guy. He just sucks ass. I've been hoping that Renegade was just a bad album, and that he'll get his drumming back up to par with a good power metal band's typical double bass drummer. NOPE! Even bigger letdown, cuz on Crimson Thunder, even the songs couldn't save this album! The whole thing was mediocre, average, and uninspiring. When I heard Legacy Of Kings, I totally changed the way I looked at music! My drummer completely dedicated himself to building up his endurance to drum all the way through that album and get his feet accurate and fast. We really did think HammerFall was gonna be a huge thing. And then they lost Patrick Rafling and went SOFTER THAN PUDDING. Suffice it to say I'll never buy another HammerFall product again. Almost depressed me how wimpy they turned!

And don't even ask me about when we were shocked and depressed by seing them open up for Dio and Kings X.... holy gawd... Anders ruined all the old good songs too! ARGH!!!

But I can gladly say that we were NOT disappointed by any purchases this year, only in the purchases we didn't make cuz we waited too long and everything was gone! Fuckin Blind Guardian dvd... shoulda grabbed it without question!
Just got through listening to Balance of Power, Heathen Machine as well. Not that good either.

I agree that Anders sucks at power metal drumming. He's great in a more 80's metal scene, but he's totally failed to adjust to the new sound. Can't believe Timo Tolkki actually wanted him for Stratovarius.
Became a big fan of BOP after seeing them live at PP2 - and as much as I LOVE Chemical Imbalance and some of the other songs on Heathen Machine, half the album sorta bores me - don't think it holds together as well as something like 10 More Tales.... that album is sweet...

But then again, its all personal opinion right? :tickled:

Hell, I really dig the Vox Tempus album. :loco:

[Pyramaze is Lance King's new band right? I'll have to chekc that out....]