Would someone just write a decent thread?!?!

Originally posted by Towelie
Don't worry man... I know you're just jesting! Also... don't ever take me seriously... I'm hardly ever serious... and I'm a sarcastic asshole... so shut the fuck up before I come decapitate you :)

What is this 'Sarcasm' that you speak of?.... I do not understand :confused:


It's like I have a long lost brother.:cry: .......arse!:grin:
Originally posted by ZirnaLuna
COME ON PEOPLE! I know you've got it in you. Just one. Just squeeze out and intellectually stimulating statement or two. That's all I ask. **I'm just in a mood. Please excuse the negative aura of this request.** I'm not in a pleasant mood, and I just want to think. Give me something to think about.

Look back - plenty of intellect to go around in other threads. Be brave - ressurrect (sp?) a thread that interests you. It's the holidays - the mind is at rest. :)
Salutations everyone.......

I shall attempt to make my first post a decent one.

In respose to the earlier request for a decent thread, I shall start off with a question that has most likely been asked many times, but may provokle a different response each time....

When I first come across a new artist, usually the first track I hear most often is my most favourite by that artist, no matter what else he/she/they release afterwards. There are some though that are ok to begin with, but progressively release more satisfying tracks as they mature.

Just wondering how people who frequent this thread react to new music.....do they swear by the first track they heard which caused them to love the artist, do they find it becomes better with newer releases, or maybe a mix of both.

Just for effect, I might put one of these in :)
Originally posted by Ethereal Sage
Salutations everyone.......

I shall attempt to make my first post a decent one.

In respose to the earlier request for a decent thread, I shall start off with a question that has most likely been asked many times, but may provokle a different response each time....

When I first come across a new artist, usually the first track I hear most often is my most favourite by that artist, no matter what else he/she/they release afterwards. There are some though that are ok to begin with, but progressively release more satisfying tracks as they mature.

Just wondering how people who frequent this thread react to new music.....do they swear by the first track they heard which caused them to love the artist, do they find it becomes better with newer releases, or maybe a mix of both.

Just for effect, I might put one of these in :)

for me it's usually a mix of both. however, the first thing that sparks interest usually always seems to be the definitive "piece" and retains a special place in the heart. :) too corny? how about a special place in the hierarchy of appreciation?
when i first get a cd i won't listen to it until i can listen to it ALL the way through without being interrupted. i want to experience it as a whole, rather in peices. hearing all of the good and bad tracks together helps me hear the ability of the musicians and how good they are.

of course, with opeth, there's never a weak track, so i just experience each masterpeice as they happen to come along. :grin: