Would you sex krampus?


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Onder represents everything that is right about an internet forum created with no essential topic in mind. It's an environment to speak your mind, be poetic, and descend into the absurd. It's a place to be the most authentic, with no fear of reproach by the mores of the sociopolitical world. It's a context in which questions may be asked that are inappropriate to ask elsewhere. The reason I go to this forum (at least nowadays) is for that purpose. If I want to be serious and civil, then I can shut my computer screen and engage with the real world. Not here.

In Classical Greece, the cult of Dionysus existed for the express purpose of providing a context in which it was appropriate to engage in acts of ecstasy and irrationality, lest these impulses, pent-up, be released at inappropriate times or induce neuroses. This forum serves that same exact function. IO BACCHUS
Thanks for the kind words, Rick!
As for the subject... You know, the more I live the more I get the feeling that being a woman is not always flattering. I don't see girls creating a thread about banging a guy and discussing his balls like a paintiung in Louvre or eggs in a fridge. Yet a lot of men do allow themselves to cross lines due to the one-cell brain, so you feel yourself beeing on gynecologist chair. Yeh sure it makes you an alpha-male and everyone thinks you're mega-cool, yet why won't you just get laid with your 5-fingers right-side girlfriend and shut up?
Btw, yes, I expressed my attraction by krampus and Neurotica that they're beautiful - because they are, and that they're nice people - becase they are, and that I like them as a person - because I do. Last I checked my style of complimenting doesn't include eRaping them and putting them on display like they're a fucking toy just to get some laughs brah.

Wether you feel the need to demonstrate your complete lack of intelligence like a blooming teenager OR act all offended in order to give yourself the illusion that you're not doing the same just because you're so "classy" when you do it... It's no surprise what's on every guy's mind in the end, it all comes down to basic instincts. Having the courtesy to hide it with honey words doesn't make it better.

And you guys are just ignoring the #1 rule. It's going to take much more money and efforts anyway. And even so you will get your ways to a woman's heart, we always know better.
Oh look it's year fucking 2012 and I posted on a metal forum. Whew, the terror I caused.

Yeh sure it makes you an alpha-male and everyone thinks you're mega-cool, yet why won't you just get laid with your 5-fingers right-side girlfriend and shut up?

I am not an alpha-male nor trying to be tbh. Also, krampus talks about her body a lot, it's not like I took it out of the context.
Wether you feel the need to demonstrate your complete lack of intelligence like a blooming teenager OR act all offended in order to give yourself the illusion that you're not doing the same just because you're so "classy" when you do it... It's no surprise what's on every guy's mind in the end, it all comes down to basic instincts. Having the courtesy to hide it with honey words doesn't make it better.

And you guys are just ignoring the #1 rule. It's going to take much more money and efforts anyway. And even so you will get your ways to a woman's heart, we always know better.

And wow.
Definitely...especially now she's going to do a few steroid cycles and get huge.Her clit will grow making it nearly impossible for her to walk a flight of stairs without having an orgasm or at the very least being very keen for sex.
I doubt she'd take offence infact i'm sure she'd take it as a compliment.Better off to just say you want to fuck her than trying to act like some defender of women's lib...hell yeah I definitely would.
Onder this is really pathetic and gross you need to grow up, Rick you're not any better than he is, acting all playboy yet the best pick up line you can come up with is "you're an interesting person you're sexy, you have breast"... Nice words? I heard that already thank you I'll pass. Men are such losers really...
Thanks for the kind words, Rick!
As for the subject... You know, the more I live the more I get the feeling that being a woman is not always flattering. I don't see girls creating a thread about banging a guy and discussing his balls like a paintiung in Louvre or eggs in a fridge. Yet a lot of men do allow themselves to cross lines due to the one-cell brain, so you feel yourself beeing on gynecologist chair. Yeh sure it makes you an alpha-male and everyone thinks you're mega-cool, yet why won't you just get laid with your 5-fingers right-side girlfriend and shut up?
