wow worst luck

Considering people here tend to know each other in often more than one form, yes, it is serious business.
My gas would ensure they didn't survive to fail me. And they KNOW this. Automatic pass due to danger levels associated with actual testing.
So the guy I am seeing. Is planning on seeing this person... a date or whatever (he and I are not exclusive).
bad idea. This is really the root of your problems.

I tend to get jealous.
and then have a "non exlusive" relationship?

I was suspicious of her. He's like go ahead and add her. I gave in and added her on Myspace. I was nice to her. No jealousy.
Then I was like wait this is fucked up she has pictures of her kids, her status is married. I told him and he was like "Wow what the fuck"

He didn't check himself? Not the sharpest knife in the toolbox, is he?

So he tells her it's fucked up.
She says "Oh I am married on paper yes and I do have kids"
SO SHE LIED TO HIM. And he was like "Oh okay"

Not the sharpest spoon either

Then she says they are separated etc. All of this shit.

Then she gets ANGRY at him because he is asking her questions like that. And she said "Oh it must be that GIRL" or something like that.
Then she deletes me and sends me a nasty ass message about me being an "immature little girl" and all of this bullshit.

Of course she reacts that way. But that's not a problem, because ou don't like her in the first palce, so after you have enough evidence of her "true self" you block her, so she can't send you messages.

So I got pissed and told him.
Then he TELLS HER. And she DENIES IT, FUCKING FLAT OUT. People. I fucking read the message. She's totally insane. She lied multiple times to him.
And it's in my inbox.

Aand he believed her? Is that's the problem?

And I cancelled my account out of anger like two days ago. Now it won't fucking let me log on but my account is still there.

Why delete when you can block?
You can try to contact myspace suppourt senter or something to get it reactivated so you can continue using it.

And he believes her. What the fuck? ahh.

If he's so shalow in the brains department, he better be great in bed, or else I can't see why you keep him.

Well, Okay done, whatever sorry to rant I just can't believe that luck, haha.

Allways happy to provide bad advice to the problems of others