writing thread

I found a couple more.

Ajax Impaled

Violent storms of Minerva’s wrath,
Offended Athena’s great vendetta,
The revenge of Pallas for irreverent deeds,
The tempest of Jupiter’s daughter.

A whole fleet destroyed on account of one man,
Cassandra’s impious possessor,
The priestess of Priam snatched from her temple,
And fled with the spoils of Teucer.

The Argives shall suffer the rage of the goddess,
And Ajax shall pay the most terrible price.
With her father’s swift fire his organs shall burn,
The Aegean reef drilled through his chest.

Blood and smoke pour from his mouth,
His eyes, his ears and his nose.
His skewered corpse devoured by the sea,
The wicked son of Oileus.

Carnality's Blade

Within the pit of the Florentine’s Inferno
A maiden empress within the Second Circle,
Is swept by the tempest of her toxic passion,
Descended from the pyre to the eternal prison.

How easily death could have felled the armada,
Instead she showed mercy to the keels of Ida.
Denying her vows she took Troyland’s groom,
Whose fate-forced departure would lead her to doom.

The Tyrian streets are filled with her pains,
Like channels carved by autumn rains.
The queen of Carthage with rabid cries,
Commands a pyre built toward the skies,

Upon the behemoth of oak and ash,
His sword, his bust, his cloak and sash.
Upon the bed of Cupid’s arts,
Carnality’s blade bisects her heart.

As blood’s exhaled with terminal breath,
The beauty of Sidon embraces death.
So long she suffered the parting pains,
All torment ends on the mount of flames.
Alright, well I'm going to write my idea #3 as a screenplay. I'm thinking of Norway as a setting, but perhaps that's a little too predictable. Suggestions?
:lol: awesome; I'm hoping to get some clay soon, and then I will sculpt a mighty sundial with the inscription: Horas non numero nisi serenas (I count only the bright hours).

oh god, fucking epic.
