WTF are you listening to?

nad: a few more things about fields of the nephilim

1) when you're ready you should also try their first album "dawnrazor". it's a little bit more goth rock by the numbers, owes a lot to early sisters and is less transcendent than the later stuff but songs like "slow kill" and "preacher man" are pretty amazing

2) also, the live album "earth inferno" from the elizium tour is REALLY GOOD. i don't usually care for live albums but this is one that i file with "live after death" and "unleashed in the east" etc. i think this is one of those bargain bin cd's that you can pick up for three bucks and it's gonna be one of your best investments ever

3) also also, you should know that fotn is one of those bands that has worthwhile non-album material that only appeared on 12" singles etc. such as:

You ever get into the 4AD stuff from the '80s? My wife is super into those groups and introduced me to a lot of them. Cocteau Twins, Clan of Xymox, Dead Can Dance, etc. The atmosphere of this stuff is palpable, it's a physical presence that works on some ethereal level of sadness and amazing.

Wife: "You would like This Mortal Coil, but for me they are a little too depressing."
Me: "'Too depressing?!' That's like me saying 'this riff is too heavy.' No such thing!"
i'm aware of all of these and have been working on it but i'm very slow at getting into new music these days haha

it's up my alley for sure, at least when i'm in The Mood
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Man some of those "no srsly the B sides are good" bands just slay me. I still maintain that Blood Spattered Banner is (EDIT: one of) the best Carcass song (EDIT: s) ever, and I love me some Carcass, old, new (90s), reunion, whatever. Same kind of thing: Warlok by Danzig.



Earlier today I used my work-at-home computer to look up the tracklist for the Bathory album I listened to on streaming music because I don't trust Amazon. I own the CD, and it was about 25 feet away from me. This is why modernity is killing all of us.
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Also sorry I can't drunkpost about B sides without mentioning this one:

I mean COME ON this shit kills like half of their albums, and hey I love ALL of their albums.
One final triplebeerpost because this song just fucking kills, sounds nothing like anything else they ever did, and my wife says "this song is the soundtrack to your life." She wrote a story about it and everything, shit made me cry cuz I'm just a sad/goth/girl stuck in a desert/rat/boy body:

I guess the secret is out on this one and that's just fine because the people should know good music but back in the proverbial day this was a rare bird and I think I spent several hours of pay for the CD and HOLYSHITBALLS just this one song is worth said cost of admission.
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I just realized how good Pure Holocaust is. I went on an Immortal bender the last few years and found this one dull until last night. Holy shit them riffs! That one, At the Heart of Winter, and oddly enough All Shall Fall are my Top 3 for them.

Similarly I've been trying to "get" Nemesis Divina for awhile now, about a year later I'm really digging the entire thing. I always avoided Satyricon since I kept hearing mixed emotions regarding most of their poop, but I picked that one up because the seeing stones told me to do so. So I guess I should collect their earlier stuff, Royal Carnage research tells me.

That's where I get all my music info from these days. I check out album release dates and reviews from Metal Archives, then search through 15 year old threads here. Because all I ever buy is '90s crap anyhow.

Okay okay okay though, Modernity Confession Time: my favorite Darkthrone album is Fuck Off And Die. Clearly I am a nowadays newcore a-hole.
Regarding Satyricon, I've been trying to listen to something else than the first song off Nemesis Divina (one of my fave songs evarrrr), but haven't tried very hard. The band's material doesn't resonate with me for some reason.

I binged Darkthrone's discography in lockdown especially. Maybe surprisingly, my love goes to Soulside Journey and Ravishing Grimness more than the iconic shitty/awesome cover art trilogy that usually passes for the be all end all.
Regarding Satyricon, I've been trying to listen to something else than the first song off Nemesis Divina (one of my fave songs evarrrr), but haven't tried very hard. The band's material doesn't resonate with me for some reason.

this is the real shit

i mean ima be real, this is the only satyricon song i REALLY need but the first three albums are all solid
Vidkljlver Vulva took me 10+ years to appreciate. I've always loved all Enslaved immediately but that was the proverbial tough nut to crack for me, as it were.

I am still waiting to find love for Transylvanian Hunger and Under a Funeral Moon honestly. It may happen some day. It definitely did with A Blaze in the Northern Sky!
Beggars Banquet, Let it Bleed, and Sticky Fingers are three of the greatest albums ever. I don't care how many zillions of albums the Rolling Stones have sold over the years because yes I know that the masses are ALWAYS wrong, but bucking that usual trend: those fine men were kings from 1968 until 1971.

That is all.
ALSO I know that I could bump an old thread but I mean why because this thread is CURRENT AF as the kids say (or not, but I just did, and I'm old, so therefore not a kid), so I just have this to say:

The new era of In The Woods... is pretty solid. Is it HEart of the Ages? No. Is it Strange in Stereo (which isn't all that amazing)? Narp. Is it fucking Omnio? NO. Nothing is fucking Omnio I mean come on.

But still, it's pretty good. I have a particular thing for Pure, but Cease the Day has a certain thing about it that is worthy of attention as well. Anyhow back to the former, I mean check this shit out:

I'm the only one who hasn't seen the script
And every day's like a well-rehearsed lie
And though it seems they're selling tickets to my dreams
I'd like to kiss the theatre goodbye

That is a pretty badass closing of a 6 minute tale. Recommended.

Unearthed. Discovered via an old episode of X-files and didn't realize they were on Rage of Achilles until after the CD arrived. Old school RC stuff right there.

'90s California sludge had some pretty killer weird shit like this, it could still rock without getting too angular. Thanks to Neurosis I guess. Also, weed.
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At The Drive-In - Relationship Of Command

Seriously, being a huge early-Mars Volta fan, why the FUCK did I always dismiss this album? I never even gave it the time of day until a few months back and, ever since, it's been on constant rotation. At various points of every day, any one of the tracks from this album is blasting through my mind-speakers. Without a doubt, a masterpiece of post-hardcore.


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I couldn't stand that band when they were a thing, but then got into The Mars Volta for a spell and still think Frances the Mute is amazing.

I have some tape sampler of that AtD-I album somewhere. And have recently considered going back to it because one of the songs is the closing credits tune for.................wait for it.................Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2.

Underrated classic horror film. Nobody but NOBODY loves that movie, and I think it's great. Also the song is good. So yeah.
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