WTF are you listening to?

Been listening to this oddity:

Ritualistc shamanistic doomy occult black metal

I love listening to I, Voidhanger's bandcamp page. Not all of it is my cup of tea, but it's neat to find weird shit that you enjoy.
I've stumbled across the name Fleurety a few times but have never checked them out until now.

Wow. Amazing! It's giving me a Ved Buens Ende vibe but with a more nature-centric atmosphere.

Man. Even new-to-me underground stuff from the '90s can be so powerfully unreal that it hurts. I'm not an old grumpy dude (well, maybe), shit just sounded better from that era. It's all the genuine feel of late '60s rock and/or roll mixed with '80s goth atmosphere... in a heavy metal forest. So good.
Some of you people might have seen this cover popping up in the past weeks, as it seems this band is much talked about. I just discovered it two days ago. Positive impressions ensued, though I need to sort out my thoughts a little.

For the most part, I've been exclusively listening to 90's post-hardcore/heavy rock type shit. WTF ever happened to edgy rock music? I mean, c'mon...

Unwound, Fugazi, Shellac, Drive Like Jehu, June of 44, Rodan, Jesus Lizard, etc...

This new album from Sprain is along the lines and fucking FANTASTIC imo...

Also, the new Deftones is pretty damn great.

Edit: Oh, and this new All Them Witches album is badass. NAD - You should dig this.

It's like a psych-country QOTSA meets Mastodon at times.
For the most part, I've been exclusively listening to 90's post-hardcore/heavy rock type shit. WTF ever happened to edgy rock music? I mean, c'mon...

Unwound, Fugazi, Shellac, Drive Like Jehu, June of 44, Rodan, Jesus Lizard, etc...

Good post. I miss stuff like this. Helmet, Unsane, Failure, Slint.

Never could get into Deftones.
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Good post. I miss stuff like this. Helmet, Unsane, Failure, Slint.

Never could get into Deftones.

Fuck.Yes. Unsane and Slint rule. I should check out Helmet and Failure. Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK happened to old-fashioned, edgy, passionate, abrasive ROCK music?!?! Godamnit, we need a fucking renaissance. #Getoffmylawn!

Deftones are great if you can acquire the taste for Chino's whiny vocals. His screams are killer though. I used to like 'em back in high school with Adrenaline/Around The Fur then in college with White Pony but never listened to anything else after that until recently. They have never made a masterpiece album but if you cherry-picked a bunch of their songs, you could make a couple AMAZING albums.
Helmet rules. First three albums are outstanding, each for unique reasons. Meantime was the soundtrack of my high school years. I HATED Betty when it was first released, because it wasn't Meantime II. Many years later I revisited it and fell in love.

Failure... I love Fantastic Planet sure, but I don't even have the words for Magnified. This song gives me magical powers, in particular the bass tone:

Old band of mine used to cover Smoking Umbrellas, I think I have a recording of that somewhere. We made it slow/doom/heavy for the end, as was the style at the time.

Deftones followed the typical nu-metal path for me. I got REALLY into them for a year or so and then never much cared again. Once every five years I spin a few tracks from White Pony and call it a half-decade.

Unsane I have one album. I fucking love that one album. Visqueen. It sounds like NYC to me.

Jesus Lizard and Slint I wished I liked, haha. I have one album of each, purchased for historical reasons but never quite "got" either one. Some day!

I will check out All Said Witches, I have seen that name come up a few times recently.
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Okay so during that whole Deftones phase, it was around the White Pony time, a bunch of friends and I were way into them and saw them live whenever possible. A few of us went to 5 shows within a month or two, real fanboy stuff. We had all just turned 21 so it was some fantastic spend-all-yer-paycheck-on-$9-concert-beers times. The salad days as it were.

So anyhow, during one show, I forget which song it was but it was quite mosh worthy. Halfway through Chino got all dramatic and said "STOP THE MUSIC!!! NO, REALLY, STOP!!! You guys down there, we are here to have FUN, so don't HURT one another!" Most of us calmed down, smiled, high-fived, more beers, etc. The song and the fun resumed. Kind of a cool gesture.

Motherfucker pulled the same shit a month later during the exact same song. My friend and I looked at each other, yelled "BULLSHIT!" and laughed. High-fived, more beers, etc.
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Another one that I enjoy more now is Melvins. I'm not into their fuckoffery releases, but when they rock, they kill.

NAD, did you ever check out Failure's new releases The Heart is a Monster and In the Future Your Body Will Be the Furthest Thing From Your Mind...? I havent.

Only Deftones I ever heard were the 1st two, and they ere okay I guess. A few cool moments.
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I saw the Melvins live so many times in the '90s and couldn't stand them. Then all of a sudden I dunno what happened but it clicked and I questioned everything in my entire life. Haven't actually seen them live since I started liking them, ha.

I never checked out New Failure, buddy of mine loves the new stuff. I think I heard a song or two and it was good, but didn't make me want to investigate. I'm weird with reunions. Most of the time I don't really pay attention, although I do love the "reunited" Faith No More.
Melvins fucking RUUUUUUULE. I’ve actually been listening to Houdini and Stoner Witch a lot lately. Ya know, that whole 90s thing I was talking about. Those two albums, especially the two albums with Big Business, and to a lesser extent Bullhead and Lysol are Ace AF.
I saw Melvins open for Helmet back in the 90s. Great show. I think I would appreciate Melvins more these days.

Also saw Primus with Helmet. I never could get into Primus.
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fuck. this one is not to be missed. its what leviathan should have released after "tentacles of whorror", but WAY better. I don't give a single shit about that necro BM stuff anymore (especially USBM), but this is an obviously outstanding album.
Opprobrium (formerly Incubus) - Battle of Armageddon (Serpent Temptation) - Death/Thrash - 1988

This band is getting some cult recognition for their role in shaping the then developing sub-genre of death metal in the late 80s.

I love these guys. One of my favorite discoveries of the last year.